Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Swimming with the Fishes

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Well, this morning started off with our usual cup of coffee and a appleflap on the porch watching the turquoise blue Caribbean. We decided to head over to Boca Prins, explore, then have lunch. We enjoyed a hamburger at the little restaurant at Boca Prins overlooking the rugged side of Aruba.

We stopped at Rodger's Beach to look around and tasted some "Wild Grapes" the locals were gathering.

Instead of doing a DPV dive, I went on a boat dive to Indian Reef. It was a short ride to the dive site, we geared up - four divers and the dive master and entered the water. As we swam down the reef, we saw four spotted eagle rays gently gliding through the water at about 80 feet. I tried to get some photos as we followed, soon I looked at my dive computer to see that we had reached 94 feet below the surface. The rays seemed to grow tired of the curious divers and quickly left us behind.

Swimming along the reef the dive master pointed out a large moray eel sticking his head out of a coral formation. Really kind of a ugly creature! Soon we spotted a large stingray swimming along the bottom, not paying much attention to us.

We saw several more eels, sea fans, coral formations, and small fish at we begin to swim up the reef. After about 45 minutes the dive was over and we surfaced at the boat. It was a great dive, the clarity was pretty good and no current.
Dale was waiting for me and we headed back to our place in Malmok. Dale got on the computer and I soaked in the hot tub with a Pina Colada.
Supper was on the patio just after sunset. Another great day in Paradise!

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