Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dreary and Cold

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This has been a dreary cold week in South Texas. We have been busy trying to work on our "To Do" list for our upcoming Australia/New Zealand trip. Less than a month now and we will be off on our adventure. Dale has been doing some work on Miss Ice Tea Too when the weather permits and I have been busy around the house and in town.
We had out of town guest over the week-end and we enjoyed their visit. We are trying to get together again with our friends from Kansas that have rented a home in Rockport.
The weather just doesn't want to cooperate with us. Maybe this weekend we will have clear sunny skies.
Saturday night we have our monthly Country and Western Dance Club at DaCosta. We are also trying to get together with the dive group to plan dive trips for this year.

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