Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Final Day at Sun and Fun

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Well our final day at Sun and Fun started the same way, up and out to the show early. We decided to take a flight line tour to view lots of aircraft. Our driver almost hit a truck and didn't know how to shift gears on the tractor pulling the trailer we were on. It was an adventure!
We made one final pass among the vendor booths to make sure we hadn't missed anything. Dale talked with some Rotax guys and I walked out to the flight line to watch the planes come and go. We met some other Ran's pilots at the Ran's booth at noon to compare notes. Since we had done it all we decided after our picnic lunch to head back to the hotel, catch a nap before going out to dinner. It was sunny and very warm today, the hottest day so far. Another Sun and Fun has come to an end for these two Texans.
In the morning we catch our flight home, thank goodness we aren't flying American, lots of canceled flights.

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