Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


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We had made plans to fly to Port Aransas for The Texas Sandfest and awoke to find cloudy skies and a low ceiling. Dale checked the weather and we decided the skies would clear and we took off for Mustang Beach Airport in Port Aransas. We stayed at 1,000 feet almost all the way to Rockport with the ceiling lifting, but clouds or haze kept visibility from being great. We flew over the beach to scope out the Sandfest and landed at the airport. We had just missed the trolley, so the airport manager gave us a lift in his golf cart to the beach and dropped us off at Sandfest. They had a pretty big crowd for the last day of the event and the sand sculptors were busy working on their projects. They had a division for Master Sculptors, Amateur Sculptors, and even a kids division for budding sculptors. The Master Sculptors were from all over the US, they even had contestants from Italy, Canada and one from the Ukraine. The Master Sculptors competed in Solo or Duo competition. We walked up and down the beach checking them out and watching the artist at work. They also had vendors selling goods, a few food vendors and even some Blue Grass music in the entertainment tent by South Texas Grass Roots. I was busy taking pictures and trying to get the best shot, with the best light and angle. The horn blew a little after noon and the sculpting came to an end. Dale and I picked our favorites and decided to go get some lunch at The Wharf. We started walking and looking for the trolley and finally it pulled up. We had a great lunch with HUGE Fried Gulf Shrimp. We caught the trolley for a ride back to our plane. We dusted the sand off our feet, climbed in Miss Ice Tea Too and flew home. We had a great day, even if the weather didn't cooperate!

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