Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Salt Water, Sea Air, Sand and Shrimp!

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Tim and Pam came down from Fort Wort to spend the weekend with us. They arrived Friday afternoon, Dale and Tim went flying while Pam and I went dewberry picking along the fence. Saturday we decided to head down to the coast, the weather wasn't conducive for flying, so we took the car. Our first stop, was the world famous "Big Tree" of Lamar, Texas. We then headed across the bridge to Fulton Beach with a stop at the Fulton Beach Mansion, a tour of Key Allegro and a stop at the marina in Rockport. We toured the newly opened Rockport aquarium and checked out the shrimp boats in the harbor. Pam and I tried to sign on with a guy from Quebec that needed a crew for his sailboat that was leaving on May 5, but we changed our minds on hearing he was eventually headed to Monacco across a "Big Ocean". We found a lady heading some beautiful shrimp and Pam bought 10 pounds to take back North. She was thrilled---salt air, salt water, sand and 10 pounds of shrimp headed to her freezer.
We drove on down to Aransas Pass and took the ferry over to Port Aransas. We were starving and headed to The Wharf for a delicious late lunch of fried shrimp. Then it was down to the beach and a stroll on the sand where Dale was almost hit by a low flying pelican. Dale took us out to Mustang Beach airport and then a brief stop at the store with the big shark out front. We took turns taking photos in the jaws of this great creature. I tried to get Pam to lay in the mouth of the beast with a look of fear, but her photo looked more like a pin-up photo that I called "Pin Up Pam". Tim even climbed in the jaws and showed her how to do it. It was getting late so we boarded the ferry and headed back home.
When we got to the house we enjoyed some snacks and some great wine they brought out on the front porch. Sunday morning we enjoyed coffee and the morning paper. I prepared an early lunch so they could get an early start back home.
We enjoyed a great weekend with good friends!
"Pin Up Pam"

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