Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Keeping the Line Wet in POC

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We decided to try our luck at fishing, even
though we heard it was slow. We left the
dock and headed across the bay to the
lakes in search of redfish. We drifted
across the lake, seeing a few reds and
catching ones that were to small to
keep. Several times we would drag
the spoon right in front of the fish,
only to have them turn and swim away.
We managed to catch a few trout,
but it was slow.
We moved to another location and
did find a red tailing on the shore and
put him in the ice chest. We began to see more reds, but they weren't biting today. We moved back across the bay and tried another spot before we headed back to the dock. No Luck! We headed in with our meager catch---one legal red and a trout.
I guess they it why they call it "fishing" instead of "catching"!

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