Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Blowing Bubbles on Cayman Brac

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We arrived on Cayman Brac, no problems with our flights, Continental Houston to Grand Cayman and Cayman Airways Grand Cayman to Cayman Brac. The resort, Cayman Brac Beach Resort is very nice and the food is "Gourmet". The service is fantastic and we have valet diving, no dragging dive gear, they take care of everything.

We did two dives yesterday, both were good, didn't see anything fantastic, but good dives. Today we did two more morning dives, saw lobster, turtle, and a stingray.
We got in shortly after lunch and enjoyed a snack for lunch around the pool.
Tonight they have a manager's "Welcome Party" out by the pool. Mostly divers staying here from all over the USA, a big group out of Florida.
Dale has been taking it easy, reading his magazines and taking an occasional nap.

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