Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Don't Mess With Texas in Cayman Brac!

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Well our trip has come to an end and we're headed back home after a great dive trip. They picked us up at 4:45 am this morning for the short ride to the airport. Now we have a two hour wait until our flight to Grand Cayman.
Yesterday, Dave and I made two dives in the morning. We saw some turtles, grouper, and lots of fish, but nothing new and exciting. I did complete my 70 dive on this trip and made my very first night dive. After lunch the group went on a tour of the island with a local guide, Cantrell. We climbed in caves, went to the museum, and listened to the history of Cayman Brac.
Yesterday Chris and Laurie painted a sign for our group and Dale put it up on the post on the way to the dive shop. We have now left our mark on Cayman Brac for all to see on the way to the dive shop.
We have a long layover in Grand Cayman before our flight to Houston, so we will go check the island out.

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