Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


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We got up this morning, enjoyed a tasty breakfast and boarded the dive boat for Little Cayman. Dale decided since the reef was going to be shallow he would go along and snorkel off the dive boat.
The ride over took about 30-40 minutes. The first dive site was a wall dive called Merilyn's Cut just off of Little Cayman. We entered the water, went over the wall and down to about 80 feet.
The wall was straight down, so you had to watch your dive computer to keep from going to deep. We saw a lobster and lots of fish. Dale snorkeled while we were down and saw several barracuda.
We then moved to Jackson's Reef. We all entered the water and began our search for marine life. About half way into the dive a big nurse shark swam between most of the divers--Surprise! We also saw some big Grouper, just hanging out. Laurie found a big crab hiding in a hole, so I stopped to get a photo. Dave pointed out a BIG lobster and I moved in for a photo.
Dale spotted some turtles and tried to herd them toward the divers. The reef was shallow and Dale had a good snorkel. The dive lasted about an hour, since we had been shallow for most of the dive.
We headed back into the dock, grabbed a light lunch, picked up the rental van, hit the grocery store before heading back to the resort.
After another great dinner we sat around outside talking dive talk! Tomorrow we have our last two dives as this trip comes to an end.

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