Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Keeping Our Spoon Wet!

We left home early this morning before the sun came up to try our luck at fishing. We haven't been in quite some time, strong winds have made fishing very slow. We unloaded the boat and headed across the open bay to the lakes. The wind was already blowing, the bay was rough. We started our first drift, catching a really nice red very quickly. We saw a few reds, but had no luck, so we moved to do another drift.

We enjoyed our usual breakfast out on the water and started to fish again. After making several drifts with no luck we decided to move to another area of the lake.
Soon it was time for lunch, so we ran the boat up on the sandy bank.
We headed back to our original location and Dale hooked a really nice red......26 inches.

After a brief fight, Dale landed the big boy and soon he was resting in the ice chest. We continued to fish, seeing a few fish, but with no luck.
We crossed the bay, tried a couple more spots and decided to call it a day. We loaded the boat, Dale cleaned the fish and we drove home.
A slow fishing day came to an end, but we did have two really nice reds and got to spend the day out on the water.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cozumel Dive Trip

Dale and I left San Antonio on AeroMexico headed to Cozumel for a few days South of the Border. We arrived at the airport, caught our shuttle, checked into our room at Casa Del Mar for four nights of relaxation. I called Cristina and made arrangements to dive the next day with her.
Dale and I enjoyed dinner at El Moro and turned in early. We met Cristina the next morning at the marina and fellow diver, Jeffery, a doctor from Washington. We got in two great dives, and Dale did some snorkeling. Cristina was great, such a fish and she loves what she does. After diving Jeffery dropped us off at our hotel and we spent the rest of the day at the beach. Dinner that night was at La Choza, very tasty. The next day we were up early, off to the marina and out on the water. Dale decided to spend his time on the boat reading and napping.....a tough job! Cristina, Jeffery and I made two great drift dives while taking lots of photos. We enjoyed lunch on the boat and lots of good conversation. Dinner tonight was at Casa Denis, the best meal we thought and the Mango Margarita was the fantastic! Our last day in Cozumel we took a taxi to the Nachi Cocom Beach Club to spend the day relaxing at the beach. The beach club was very nice and we almost had the whole place to ourselves. We enjoyed lunch under the big palapa, got in some snorkeling and had a great day. Our last night we decided we were hungry for something different, so we went to Guidos for some Italian food. The lasagna was excellent and we enjoyed dinner in a garden setting with candlelight. After dinner we walked around the square in the center of San Miguel and walked along the seawall. Our last day, we enjoyed breakfast, packed our bags and stored them at the hotel. We took a taxi into town, walked around, looked at some shops and had lunch before heading back to the hotel to get our bags and head to the airport for our flight home. We took a taxi, boy what a ride to the airport, but we arrived in one piece.
Our flight home was good, we arrived in San Antonio on time, and made it to the house shortly after midnight.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Divine Miss M

Today is our last full day in Vegas and we decided to check out the Premium Outlet Mall before lunch to avoid the heat. We grabbed a taxi and made several shops at the mall before grabbing a taxi back to our resort. We decided to pack our stuff, so we could enjoy the rest of the evening.
We dressed for dinner, we had reservations at 5 pm at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill in Caesar's Palace. Wow, dinner was great, of course we ate to much, even had dessert.
We had tickets for the Divine Miss M tonight at 7:30 pm for our last show. Again we had good seats and waited for the show to begin. Bette Midler put on a great show, belted out some great songs and told some naughty jokes................she is quite the showman. It was a great show, we both enjoyed.
We went back to our room and turned in early, tomorrow we are headed home.
We had a light breakfast, checked out and took the shuttle to the airport. Our flight left on time, with a brief layover in Denver, before heading to Austin. We landed right on schedule and I pulled in the driveway at my house at 10:45 pm.
Mom and I had a good trip, packed in lots, saw some great shows, got in a little shopping and did some sightseeing, even in the Vegas heat.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Slot Queen

We grabbed a light breakfast downstairs and hit The Strip. We took the monorail to Harrah's to play a High Roller Slot for a friend. She didn't hit anything, but I walked away with $260..........a winner! We walked down to the Venetian, strolled the shops, watched a show and watched the tourist. We had lunch reservations at The Delmonico, a steakhouse and enjoyed a fabulous meal.
The food, service and setting were first rate. We then walked into the Palazzo, a new casino and resort that just opened on the strip, a very plush place.
We took the monorail back to Caesars and crashed, boy did the AC feel good. Tonight we have tickets to Mamma Mia at the Mandalay Bay.
We took the Double Deuce bus down to Mandalay Bay, walked around and had a couple of Pina Coladas before the show. The show was very good, lots of good music by Abba.
We are now looking forward for the movie to come out in a few weeks.
The joke of the evening was when we stopped in the Forum Shops at a Italian Gelato store and each got a couple scoops of gelato. I reached in my wallet, pulled out a $10 bill when the guy behind the counter said $36.61, shock!!!! I paid the bill and took the gelato to Mom, telling her to guess how much it cost, of course she didn't come close. We savored each bite of our high price dessert.

Hot, Hot, Hot in Vegas

Today our first goal was to hit the Fashion Show Mall, a huge complex of stores, including Chico's.
It was so hot, I think 108 degrees. We shopped, but didn't buy a thing.
Our show tonight was at the Wynn, a show called Le Reve. We decided we would try the Wynn Buffet before the show. We dressed, caught the Double Deuce bus for the Wynn.
The buffet was good, lots to pick from and of course we stuffed ourselves. After dinner we went in the theater, which was designed in the round, not a bad seat in the house. The show was terrific, with water, fire, wind, and amazing performers. After the show, we caught the bus and went down to the Bellagio to watch the "Dancing Fountains", it is beautiful at night especially the way they dance to the music. We looked around the Bellagio, it is an amazing place. Then we walked over the walkway to Caesars and went to our room. Another day in Vegas had come to an end.

Mydra and Gayla hit Vegas

We landed in Vegas, our flight was good, took the shuttle to Caesar's Palace and checked in. We unpacked and looked around, deciding we would eat supper after our show. We got tickets on the monorail and rode down to the Hilton for our show, Menopause the Musical. The show was funny and very entertaining, Mom loved it. I guess you would have to be a woman to appreciate it.
We took the Monorail back to our hotel, grabbed something to eat, and went up to our room.
We called it a night!