Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cozumel Dive Trip

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Dale and I left San Antonio on AeroMexico headed to Cozumel for a few days South of the Border. We arrived at the airport, caught our shuttle, checked into our room at Casa Del Mar for four nights of relaxation. I called Cristina and made arrangements to dive the next day with her.
Dale and I enjoyed dinner at El Moro and turned in early. We met Cristina the next morning at the marina and fellow diver, Jeffery, a doctor from Washington. We got in two great dives, and Dale did some snorkeling. Cristina was great, such a fish and she loves what she does. After diving Jeffery dropped us off at our hotel and we spent the rest of the day at the beach. Dinner that night was at La Choza, very tasty. The next day we were up early, off to the marina and out on the water. Dale decided to spend his time on the boat reading and napping.....a tough job! Cristina, Jeffery and I made two great drift dives while taking lots of photos. We enjoyed lunch on the boat and lots of good conversation. Dinner tonight was at Casa Denis, the best meal we thought and the Mango Margarita was the fantastic! Our last day in Cozumel we took a taxi to the Nachi Cocom Beach Club to spend the day relaxing at the beach. The beach club was very nice and we almost had the whole place to ourselves. We enjoyed lunch under the big palapa, got in some snorkeling and had a great day. Our last night we decided we were hungry for something different, so we went to Guidos for some Italian food. The lasagna was excellent and we enjoyed dinner in a garden setting with candlelight. After dinner we walked around the square in the center of San Miguel and walked along the seawall. Our last day, we enjoyed breakfast, packed our bags and stored them at the hotel. We took a taxi into town, walked around, looked at some shops and had lunch before heading back to the hotel to get our bags and head to the airport for our flight home. We took a taxi, boy what a ride to the airport, but we arrived in one piece.
Our flight home was good, we arrived in San Antonio on time, and made it to the house shortly after midnight.

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