Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Keeping Our Spoon Wet!

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We left home early this morning before the sun came up to try our luck at fishing. We haven't been in quite some time, strong winds have made fishing very slow. We unloaded the boat and headed across the open bay to the lakes. The wind was already blowing, the bay was rough. We started our first drift, catching a really nice red very quickly. We saw a few reds, but had no luck, so we moved to do another drift.

We enjoyed our usual breakfast out on the water and started to fish again. After making several drifts with no luck we decided to move to another area of the lake.
Soon it was time for lunch, so we ran the boat up on the sandy bank.
We headed back to our original location and Dale hooked a really nice red......26 inches.

After a brief fight, Dale landed the big boy and soon he was resting in the ice chest. We continued to fish, seeing a few fish, but with no luck.
We crossed the bay, tried a couple more spots and decided to call it a day. We loaded the boat, Dale cleaned the fish and we drove home.
A slow fishing day came to an end, but we did have two really nice reds and got to spend the day out on the water.

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