Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

La Grange Fly In

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Dale and I decided to make a trip to La Grange for their monthly fly-in. We drove out to the airport, uncovered Miss Ice Tea Too, warmed her engine up and took off. We climbed to find cooler air and a smoother ride, the thermals were starting early. We landed in La Grange, parked the plane and found some chairs in the shade. We were early, so we watched the skies as other planes came in to land. We ate lunch, visited with friends and looked at the other planes.
We took off headed for home with the temperature in La Grange hitting 103 degrees. It was hot and bumpy until we climbed up to about 4,000 feet. We landed, pushed the plane into the hangar and headed to the house to cool off. These hot summer days in Texas sure don't make good flying days!

1 comment:

chuckles said...

Life is too important to be taken seriously!

Seriously, I fly into La Grange every month just so Dennis can take my picture when landing or taking off--got a folder full.