Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

You go your way, I'll go Maui!

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Well our trip to Maui has come to an end, we've packed luggage in our car and have a flight out of Honolulu tonight. We stopped on our way into town to take a photo of an interesting warning sign at the beach near our cottage, "Shark Warning". Our flight in the small plane had to be canceled, long story, maybe next time. We drove down to the beach outside of Paia and watched the surfers, then we stopped for our final lunch on Maui at Paia Fish Market. Dale had fish tacos and I enjoyed a Mahi Mahi burger, very good. Dale dropped me off at the airport and returned the rent car. Boarding our short flight to Honolulu late in the afternoon we said goodbye to Maui. Our flight to Houston departed Honolulu at little after 9 pm, with us landing in Houston shortly after 9 am the following morning. Dale drove us home while I slept, we pulled up to the house just before noon.
Maui is a beautiful island, lush and green, with lots to see and do.........................but extremely expensive!
Maui is where people are sent went heaven is overbooked.

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