Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Foggy Cruise!

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Well, we are all packed, and ready to leave in the morning, but fog is playing havoc with the cruise ships in Galveston. This was going to be our first cruise after achieving Diamond Status with Royal Caribbean! Our ship finally made it in and after standing in a long line for a couple of hours we boarded about 6:30 pm, unpacked, had dinner, and turned in for the night.....only to find that we were in Galveston still being held captive by the fog when we got up the next morning....SURPRISE!
We enjoyed our first sea day, with a trip to the gym, a soak in the spa and relaxing with a good book. The Captain put it in full speed ahead and we made Roatan just a hour later than planned. We had a great tour of the island with Roland at Victor Bodden Tours. It was just me, Dale and Roland for the day. I even had a chance to check out Anthony's Key Resort, a really nice dive operation I will visit in July with the gals from Kansas.
Our next port was Belize, we decided to stay on the ship for the was just us and the old folks, so we had a quite day, with plenty of time to relax. Dinner that night was at Portifinos Restaurant, a wonderful meal, great service and we left stuffed!!!

The next morning we docked in Cozumel....Dale and I were off the ship early, grabbed a taxi to meet Cristina for a day on the water, with a couple of dives. Cristina was waiting and we boarded the Nena and left the marina headed to Palancar Gardens. Diving was great, the water was a little chilly-79 degrees, but visibility was fantastic. As usual Cristina served lunch on the boat, with lots of fresh fruit and the best guacamole. Dale napped and read his magazines while I was diving.
Our last day at sea, we slept late, enjoyed breakfast and a light lunch and relaxed around the pool. Dinner again was at Portifinos, another yummy meal. That night we enjoyed Phil playing the piano and singing in the bar.
Up early the next morning, only to find the fog was holding us captive at sea and we didn't dock until almost Noon. We disembarked, Dale picked up the car, picked me and the luggage up and we headed home.
We had a great time, met lots of nice people on the ship and made it home safe and sound. I even managed to sit still and read a book, cover to cover......."Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" by Ree Drummond.

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