Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Color Me Crazy 5K!

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Karen and I entered the Color Me Courageous 5K to benefit the VEHS Soccer Teams and the Challenged Athletes this morning.  It was a very nippy, crisp morning..... 29* and we kept warm thanks to several layers of clothing. My daughter, Lanell who helped organize the event joined our crazy group! We wore hot pink grass skirts, coconut bras, and leis......Karen came up with the perfect team name.....the Coco Nuts! The race was held on a 5K (3.1069 miles) course in Riverside Park, where we were bombarded with powdered paint along the race course....thanks to the high school soccer players. One time I think I got the whole box dumped on my head! By the end of the race our clothes, hats, and faces were splashed in a rainbow of colors. We ended the morning with a cup of hot chocolate and the satisfaction that we had completed the course!

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