Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Bonarie Babes!

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Bonaire was the destination for the twelve Lady Go Divers this year and we took the island by storm!  Arriving at the Divi Flamingo, settling in, and getting our dive briefing....before boarding the boat for our first dive. As usual diving in Bonaire was nothing short of spectacular.......great viz, no current, warm water, and lots of marine life.

Cecilia, my roommate made her 600th dive and we celebrated with a classic funny photo to commemorate her accomplishment.
We were up early each morning, grabbed breakfast and were on the dive boat by 8:15 am for two great dives.  The afternoons were spent relaxing around the pool, floating in the ocean, walking into  town, or maybe just taking a nap. Cecilia and I also perfected our Mojito recipe and enjoyed a drink before dinner with other dive friends. Every night we visited a different restaurant for a lovely dinner.

During the week we spotted seahorses, frog fish, lots of turtles, squid, thousands of Christmas Tree Worms, and numerous other creatures. We made a wreck dive on the Hilma Hooker and did the famous Salt Pier dive of Bonaire......both were fantastic.  Our last two dives of the week were on Klein Bonaire and we think our guides saved the best for last.....both dives teeming with marine life.
Our last day we rented a car and cruised the island....checking out the flamingos, the Salt Pier, slave huts, and the donkey sanctuary with over 700 donkeys.  It was a great way  to spend our last day and we had lots of laughs at being attacked by donkeys looking for carrots.

We officially welcomed two new members into our group.....Joann and Micki....both assets to the group.  Hope to see them on the next trip!
Our trip ended with us flying home and back to our day to day lives....but with lots of great memories and laughs to treasure for eternity!

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