Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Gigi and Lexi Girl Trip!

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Lexi and I boarded a flight before dawn and headed to Bonaire for five jam packed days of fun!  We checked in our studio room, checked into the dive shop and had a early pizza dinner before crashing. The next morning we had a kayak trip in the mangroves booked and they picked us up.  All the other folks were from Holland, but proved to be fun.  Lexi showed them the latest line dancing moves and they showed us their Achy Breaky Heart moves.

We had fun kayaking and then snorkeling in the mangroves of  Bonaire. That afternoon we snorkeled out in front of the resort.  Dinner that night was yummy Italian with of course a trip to Gio’s for gelato.  Shopping was the plan the next morning, and Lexi found gifts for all her friends.  We treated ourselves to a Frappuccino that must have had a million calories, but was amazing!

Lunch at the resort before Lexi was due to do her Discover Scuba course.  She had Ebby has her instructor and was soon underwater looking like a pro!   We did a 58 minute dive at 39 feet and Ebby showed her lots of marine life. I was so proud of her...think she is a natural! We walked into town for dinner and enjoyed a nice mani mahi dinner.

Our last day I booked a private snorkel trip and island tour with Brenda. We snorkeled one spot and looked for a seahorse, but never found him.  Our next snorkel was at the famous salt pier, were we saw about five turtles and lots of marine life under the pier.  Lexi liked the Red Lip Blenny and enjoyed finding them.  After the snorkel Brenda gave us a history of salt on Bonaire, we stopped at the slave huts, the lighthouse, and checked out some flamingos.

 Our final evening we enjoyed dinner at Patagonia with a delicious steak and Tiramisu for dessert! Up early we were picked up at 4:15 am for the airport and our flight home.  I surprised Lexi by upgrading our seats to First Class.....we both enjoyed that perk!
Lexi and I had a blast...a trip we will always remember!

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