Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Lady Go Divers 16th Trip!

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Celebrating 16 years of dive travel with an amazing group of ladies in Grenada.
I have been blessed to be part of this great group for the past ten trips.
Brac, Roatan, Cozumel, Belize, Bonaire, St Lucia, Brac, Bonaire, St Lucia, Grenada

It was that time of year, for the annual Lady Go Divers trip, and we were headed to Grenada and the True Blue Boutique Resort, diving with Aquanauts.  Cecilia and I settled into our room, Cocoa Pods #64 and unpacked. The next day we took the shuttle to Grand Anse Beach for lunch and drinks.

After a dive briefing on Sunday, it was time to dive, our dive masters were Bruce and Michelle.  Boy did they have their hands full with a boat load of women.  We found the reefs to be very healthy and lush...loaded with marine life. 

 The highlights of the week were a big seahorse, frog fish, two octopus, a ray, lobsters, and lots of eels. My favorite dive was a wreck dive named Veronica, it was loaded with marine life.  The visibility wasn’t great most days because of the rain, but diving was good!  Currents ranged from gentle to mild, to strong! The highlight of my week for me was a tug of war experience with octopus I found in a coral head!  Found out that octopus are pretty dang strong!    
He latched onto my tickle stick and then proceeded to make his way toward my arm....Yikes!

Cecilia found a tiny little blenny, that she managed to coax out of a coral finger and I grabbed a shot so we could identify later!  It was identified as a Ramirez’s Blenny or a Red Banner Blenny. Pretty cool find!

One evening Cecilia booked a sunset cruise for our group, and it turned out to be great, ending with a beautiful rainbow before sunset over Grenada.

We even managed to get Bonnie on board after she was injured when she slipped on the dock and was put on crutches.  Hopefully she is on the mend soon.......and is one tough gal!
On Friday everyone did their own thing, I chose to go back to the beach where I met a lovely woman from Grenada named Jenell.  We enjoyed talking, laughing, and enjoying some really good mojitos! We decided she was “My Sista by Another Mista”!

For our farewell dinner we went to a restaurant called Sails overlooking the water.  Patty, our leader gave pins to the new members of our group and we kicked around our trip in 2020!
Flying back to crazy Miami, then on to Houston where Dale picked me up......We pulled into the house about 2:30 am.  A long day, but a great trip, with a great group of gals!

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