Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Season Greetings From Aruba

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We arrived in Aruba on Dec. 23 after a direct flight from Houston, we picked up our rental car and headed out to Sunset Beach Studios. We found the room unlocked and the key hidden as they had told us. We unpacked, ate supper and went to bed early. The next morning, Dec. 24 we headed off to the grocery store to stock up as the stores would be closed for next couple of days. What a zoo, made me feel at home. Christmas Day we enjoyed snorkeling down the road at Boca Grande, relaxing in the hot tub, and just kicking back. I had arranged to dive with JADS on Dec. 26, so Dale drove me over and I made two boat dives--a wreck and a reef. I made arrangements to dive at Rocky Beach and drove over on Thursday afternoon, Dec.27 for my shore dive. It turned out to be me and the divemaster, a great dive. That night we drove over to the other side of the island to watch a fireworks display. Today we kinda explored the island, I snorkeled out in front of the resort and enjoyed supper on our porch. Tomorrow we are off in the morning, I have a scooter dive planned at 9 am at JADS. Think we will watch the fireworks at the Lighthouse tomorrow night. The people in Aruba love fireworks!!!

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