Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Good Day Mates!

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We arrived in Sydney, tired and in need of a hot shower, but in true traveler form we hit the ground running. We walked down to Darling Harbor which was buzzing on a Sunday afternoon.
Sydney is a huge beautiful city that is breathtaking. We walked around the Harbor, took in some street performers, grabbed some fish and chips, and realized we were actually in Australia after months and months of planning.
Monday morning we walked down to meet out coach tour of the city highlights, our first upclose encounter with the impressive Harbor Bridge and a stop at the famous Sydney Opera House.
We enjoyed lunch on a harbor cruise on the Captain Cook and spent the afternoon walking around Darling Harbor. We grabbed a ferry at Circle Quay for a trip back to Darling Harbor and our apartment at the Goldsbrough Apartments.
Tomorrow morning we are off early to the Blue Mountains outside Sydney, breakfast at a Wildlife Preserve with kangaroos. It is suppose to be a great tour and the Blue Mountain area is sure to be another highlight.
The weather has been fantastic..not to hot and not to cool...almost perfect!

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