Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Galveston For Lunch

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We took off this morning around 10 am for a flight to Scholes Field at Galveston, Texas. The skies were clear and the flight was smooth. We cut across country to Bay City and then flew up the beach until we reached Galveston. After landing and securing Miss Ice Tea Too, we decided to grab some lunch before going to the museum. We walked over to the Moody Gardens Hotel and enjoyed a tasty lunch at the Terrace, Dale had shrimp and I had snapper stuffed with crab.
After lunch we walked to the Lone Star Flight Museum and toured the exhibits. Most of the exhibits were military aircraft that had been restored. We finished the museum and walked back to Scholes Field.
We lifted off and flew down the beach to the Bolivar Pennisula, seeing the ferry and the Bolivar lighthouse. The beaches were crowded as Spring Break was in full swing.
We landed around 5 pm, put Miss Ice Tea Too safely in the hangar and hit the road to the house.

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