Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Headed Home

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Well our trip is about to come to an end as we prepare for our flight to LA tonight. We have had a wonderful time, better than we even dreamed. New Zealand is an awesome country and its beauty is even hard to describe. I doubt the photos will even do it justice.
We ended our trip with a flight over Mt. Cook in a small plane, circling the snow-capped peak at about 12,000 feet. We also had the opportunity to view the glaciers from the air and see Mother Nature at work. The flight was truly a highlight of the trip, the pilot was first rate, the aircraft top-notch and Dale even got to sit in the co-pilot seat for the flight.

We enjoyed a wonderful night at Lake Tekapo before heading to Geraldine to meet up with our NZ travel guide friend that helped up plan our New Zealand adventure. Ron and Paula were waiting for us and greeted us like old friends. We were anxious to tell Ron of all adventures and what a great trip he planned for us. We enjoyed dinner and some great New Zealand wine with them and planned to meet for breakfast. Breakfast was great, with lots of interesting conversation. We left Geraldine after saying "Goodbye" and "Thank You" to our friends.
We had the opportunity to tour the Antarctic Center and experience the extremes of the weather in christchurch. Dale was freezing!

We spent the night at an campground in Christchurch and had a flight to Auckland this morning.
We are now waiting for our flight to Los Angeles, a killer I'm sure!
Ron's wife Paula told ma about a quote she was going to have painted on their camper and I think I will adopt it too!

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