Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

$100 Brenham Burger

Flying again today....after fueling the plane, we departed for Brenham and the Southern Flyer Diner for lunch. We had clear skies, a good tail wind, and a smooth flight landing just before lunch. I grabbed a table on the patio so we could enjoy the great weather and watch the planes in the pattern while we ate our burgers and fries. We sat out on the front porch after lunch and chatted with pilots out of Pearland before taking off for home. The flight was pretty smooth, we landed, and put the plane up......................another good day of flying!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Under the Wire Fly-In 2009

Up early this morning, but the weather kept us grounded....fog and a low ceiling. We finally touched down shortly after 11am and the planes began pouring in......guess everybody got held up with the weather.

Dale parked the plane and we unpacked our stuff....chairs, coolers, and picnic lunch. It was great eating our picnic lunch under the shade of a large oak tree near the runway. Dale made the rounds talking to the other pilots while I grabbed my camera to take pictures.
We saw lots of old friends we hadn't seen in a long time and enjoyed catching up. Lots of folks stopped by to admire the plane, ask questions and take a look inside the cockpit. We flew home, put the plane in the hangar and went into town for Mexican food. A good day, punching holes in the sky!!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Colorado Vacation

Our trip to Colorado has come to an end, and we made it safely home after almost 3,000 miles on the road. We had a great trip, saw some beautiful country, enjoyed the cool, crisp weather, made some new friends and had a wonderful stay at Country Sunshine Bed and Breakfast. This was Dale's first stay at a B & B, and it will be hard to top the hospitality of Walter and Jodi, Walter's culinary skills and the natural beauty of Colorado. The train ride from Durango to Silverton was breathtaking.......even if Dale did almost freeze. The aspens were just beginning to change colors from green to yellow to orange.
We had a great time and hope to return soon.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Land of Enchantment

Up this morning to a light rain, cool weather and cloudy skies, grabbed breakfast at Denny's before heading out. Sure missing Walter this morning!!!

We drove miles and miles across New Mexico.....seeing cactus, rocks, scrub brush and lots of open prairie. At Valley of Fires we stopped to check out a huge lava flow that happened millions of years ago, quite an impressive site to see.

Driving into the mountains toward Cloudcroft we saw snow on the shoulder of the road and snow plows parked along side the road.....weird!!! Lunch was in Artesia where we enjoyed a big steak and huge salad bar.....left stuffed! As the skies cleared and the temperature rose we saw huge green fields of alfalfa being irrigated and big pecan orchards lined the road on both sides.

We crossed the state line and decided Fort Stockton would be our stop for the night.
Tomorrow we return home after a week on the road and a great trip to Colorado!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rocky Mountain High

After another delicious breakfast....banana nut pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit with yogurt and granola, juice and coffee.....we bid farewell to Walter and Jodi at Country Sunshine B & B and all our little furry friends.

Dale wanted to visit a huge Kubota dealership just outside Durango......a guy thing, so off we went.

Then we made a stop at Animas Air Park, to check out the planes, runway, and visit with some airplane guys. The last stop in Durango was down at the Animas River to watch some fly fishermen trying to catch rainbow trout.

Finally it was time to leave Durango and head to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Shortly after crossing into New Mexico we saw a fruit stand and decided to get some Colorado peaches and apples for the road, they are sooooo good! The landscape changed dramatically as we drove South into New Mexico.

Lunch stop was in Bloomfield, NM where we had a delicious enchilada plate for only $4.99......what a bargain and it even came with a wonderful sopapilla and clover honey. Back on the road we decided to stop in Socorra, NM for the night, but arrived at 6 pm and found most all the hotels were full. Finally Dale found a Days Inn and we got a room for the night. Another day on the road comes to an end!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

San Juan Circle

It was time for breakfast again, and Walter served sweet potato waffles with toasted pecans, sausage, fresh fruit, juice and coffee to start our morning. The San Juan Circle was on our agenda today...Durango, Silverton, Ouray, Tellruide, Dolores, then back to Durango and the Country Sunshine B & B.

We stopped and managed to get some photos of the train as it made its daily trip to Silverton.

After a cup of hot coffee in Silverton we explored the old cemetery, checked out an abandoned mine, took photos of the train coming into town and got a bowl of soup for lunch at the Handlebar Restaurant.

The road to Ouray was full of switchbacks, but with jaw dropping views and vistas. Our stop at Box Canyon Falls was great and we checked out main street in Ouray before leaving.

On our way to Ridgway we saw beautiful pastures and ranches, with lots of horses. In the higher elevations the Aspen were starting to change colors and I'm sure in a week or so will be at their peak. They seem to turn from green, to golden yellow to a bright orange. We made it back to Durango before dark, grabbed a bite to eat and headed back to the B & B..... completing 230 miles, reaching 10,900 feet elevation....the San Juan Circle a great trip. The weather was great today, cool but not cold with just a few rain drops.

Tomorrow we start home, hoping to pack up Walter and bring him home......a really great host and chef.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Soaking Away the Day at Pagosa Springs

After a great nights sleep, we rose to a beautiful crisp morning in Durango. Walter served us a wonderful breakfast on the back porch under the warm morning sun. Today we had a compote of fresh fruit with mango and blackberries, green chili cheese breakfast casserole with fresh salsa, Southern cornbread with lemon honey butter, bacon, juice and coffee. It was sooooooo good! We sat around with the other guest talking about everyone's plans for the day.
We decided to drive over to Pagosa Springs and visit the Spa/Springs to soak away the day. After changing we decided to start in the coolest pool and work our way up to the warmer ones. The water was great, not much of a sulfur smell, and sure did relax all our aches and pains.

We moved around from pool to pool.....89 degrees up to 104 degrees. We avoided the "Lobster Pot" at 114 degrees. The Spa is set on the banks of the San Juan river and the scenery is beautiful. The last pool we tried had a waterfall that provided the best water massage with a great view of the river.

We headed back to Durango, grabbed supper at the Red Snapper, and made our way back to our B & B.
Tomorrow we are doing the San Juan Circle.....Silverton, Ouray, Ridgway, Dolores, Mancos, etc.......making a circle back to Durango. It is suppose to be a very scenic drive, hoping to get some great photos.
Walter's Creme Brulee ended a wonderful day in Durango.......Life is good!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

All Aboard!

Up early this morning after a fierce thunderstorm last night. We had told Walter we would grab breakfast in town before the train, but he insisted on feeding us. Fresh fruit topped with yogurt and granola, coconut french toast, bacon, juice and coffee were served before we left the B & B.

We boarded the train, the morning air was brisk and we put on our jackets for the ride in the open car to Silverton.

It was a beautiful ride, with so many photo opportunities. We arrived in Silverton just before lunch and headed to the Handlebar Restaurant. A cup of Cream of Green Chili Soup sure did hit the spot and warmed us up.

Walking around Silverton, checking out the shops and stopping for an ice cream filled our time before the return trip. We left Silverton at 2 pm and headed back down to Durrango, the trip back was just a breathtaking, but much warmer. We did get "mooned" by a group of 5 young people as we neared town, quite a Durango Welcome!!! Dinner was at a Texas Bar B Que spot, then it was back to the B & B for time in the hot tub before sunset.

A glass of wine and the hot tub just about did me in, sure was a great way to relax after a long day on the train.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rocky Mountain High

A crisp 48 degrees this morning.....blueberry pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit with cream fresh, juice and coffee greeted us. Walter really served a fantastic breakfast this morning to all his guest as we sat around the table sharing our plans for the day.

We crossed over the Animas River, stopping at Baker's Bridge then down a winding road along the river lined with ranches and beautiful homes. A stop at a wonderful bakery to grab a sandwich for our picnic lunch at Vallecito Lake. The lake was low, but still awesome and we enjoyed lunch on a picnic table.

After Dale had a brief nap, we headed to Bayfield to visit one of his friends from Houston PD days. They insisted we stay for supper, so we enjoyed a great meal with them on their patio. As the sun set we headed back to our B & B, arriving just in time for Walter's Chocolate Mousse......WOW!
Tomorrow we are up early, off on the train from Durango to Silverton.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Where the Deer and Antelope Roam

Left Roswell this morning heading to Santa Fe, saw a few antelope grazing out on the prairie. The road was long and straight, but beautiful in a unique way. We passed lush green fields of alfalfa, saw a few wineries and vineyards, and lots of strings of red chilies drying. We took a scenic route to Chama, New Mexico, then on to Pagosa Springs....into Durango. We pulled into Country Sunshine B & B, found our room and relaxed.

Walter and his wife the owners, made us feel right at home. After a big lunch we decided to grab a pizza, Walter sent us down the road and we had a delicious New York pizza back at the B & B. Tonight Walter is preparing Bananas Foster for dessert....Yummy!!!!

The B & B is full tonight... one couple from Austin, one couple from Dallas, a couple from England, and two couples from Pennsylvania.......and us.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

On the Road Again!

We left home early this morning, heading out to Colorado. We ran into some light rain showers, but nothing bad along the way. We spotted large fields of gigantic wind mills generating electricity atop the mesas along Interstate 10 to Fort Stockton.

Lunch was in Fort Stockton at a K Bob's Steakhouse. We spotted a very old drilling rig and stopped to inspect it, a very complicated piece of machinery.
Back on the road we drove to Pecos, Tx......then crossed into New Mexico.
Lush green fields of alfalfa lined the roads, some fields were being cut and baled. No shortage of hay around here, but they do irrigate the fields. Our route took us to Carlsbad, Artesia, and we checked into our hotel in Roswell about 4 pm. We drove about 680 miles.

Up early in the morning, Durango our next stop!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dale's Birthday


"Men are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age"