Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rocky Mountain High

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A crisp 48 degrees this morning.....blueberry pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit with cream fresh, juice and coffee greeted us. Walter really served a fantastic breakfast this morning to all his guest as we sat around the table sharing our plans for the day.

We crossed over the Animas River, stopping at Baker's Bridge then down a winding road along the river lined with ranches and beautiful homes. A stop at a wonderful bakery to grab a sandwich for our picnic lunch at Vallecito Lake. The lake was low, but still awesome and we enjoyed lunch on a picnic table.

After Dale had a brief nap, we headed to Bayfield to visit one of his friends from Houston PD days. They insisted we stay for supper, so we enjoyed a great meal with them on their patio. As the sun set we headed back to our B & B, arriving just in time for Walter's Chocolate Mousse......WOW!
Tomorrow we are up early, off on the train from Durango to Silverton.

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