Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Land of Enchantment

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Up this morning to a light rain, cool weather and cloudy skies, grabbed breakfast at Denny's before heading out. Sure missing Walter this morning!!!

We drove miles and miles across New Mexico.....seeing cactus, rocks, scrub brush and lots of open prairie. At Valley of Fires we stopped to check out a huge lava flow that happened millions of years ago, quite an impressive site to see.

Driving into the mountains toward Cloudcroft we saw snow on the shoulder of the road and snow plows parked along side the road.....weird!!! Lunch was in Artesia where we enjoyed a big steak and huge salad bar.....left stuffed! As the skies cleared and the temperature rose we saw huge green fields of alfalfa being irrigated and big pecan orchards lined the road on both sides.

We crossed the state line and decided Fort Stockton would be our stop for the night.
Tomorrow we return home after a week on the road and a great trip to Colorado!

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