Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Under the Wire Fly-In 2009

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Up early this morning, but the weather kept us grounded....fog and a low ceiling. We finally touched down shortly after 11am and the planes began pouring in......guess everybody got held up with the weather.

Dale parked the plane and we unpacked our stuff....chairs, coolers, and picnic lunch. It was great eating our picnic lunch under the shade of a large oak tree near the runway. Dale made the rounds talking to the other pilots while I grabbed my camera to take pictures.
We saw lots of old friends we hadn't seen in a long time and enjoyed catching up. Lots of folks stopped by to admire the plane, ask questions and take a look inside the cockpit. We flew home, put the plane in the hangar and went into town for Mexican food. A good day, punching holes in the sky!!!!

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