Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Calgon Take Me Away!

Well......we've  checked another week off the recovery/rehab calendar!  The heel is mending and looking better all the time...a good night's sleep is much more common around here!  With this, also comes Dale trying to do more to help me out around the house.  The definition of "Toe Touch"and putting weight on the foot has been a matter of "HEATED" debate around here many times.  I know he hates sitting around do nothing, but I feel we should do everything possible to ensure a good outcome.  So after a few tears and some much needed alcohol...I have decided he is a big boy and I need to cut him some slack!  Yesterday he even spent some time alone as I was at the hospital for my daughter's foot surgery.
I was questioning my actions and emotions....and mostly blamed my OCD for making me the nurse from Hell in regards to doing everything by the book.  Then something popped into my head while having lunch with Dale in town.  I had quit my HRT on the advice of my doctor just about the time this adventure began!  No wonder I was in a heap.......a hubby on crutches for 3 months and under foot so to speak and NO HORMONES?  Dale and I had a good laugh over it!  He now understands why my head spins around and steam comes out my ears!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hopalong Atchetee!

Hard to believe it has been 3 weeks.....seems like 3 years! At least we aren't scheduled to go back to San Antonio for a month....that's a relief! Dale got a big boot this week which he can remove when he sleeps at night and also got a list of exercises to start getting some movement in the foot and ankle. We've both suffered from a bad case of "Cabin Fever" and have begun to make brief trips

to have lunch in town and to the airport to check on the airplane. I've tackled some new chores around the place to prepare for winter....things my hubby took care of before! Thanksgiving was very quite....we were both exhausted from the trip to SA the day before! 
That's about it from the Atchetee House of Rehab!
Gosh....... time flies when you're having fun!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Hoblin Goblin!

What do you call a ghost with a broken foot? Hoblin Goblin!
Well today marks two weeks down on our journey....only ten more to go!! Dale has gotten quite adept at maneuvering around on his walker or crutches. This is our last week with a splint and next week when we visit the doctor he is getting a cast.....I think he should get a pink one....real men wear pink! I have been busy getting all the travel insurance claims filed for the two trips we had to cancel. Seems like the hours are filled with things to get done....meals to cook, clothes to wash, bills and correspondence to keep up with, but I do find time to do some reading when Dale is resting. Dale, the all time non sports fan has even taken up watching some football games. I pray he continues to heal and that his surgery was a success!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How does a frog feel when he has a broken leg? A: Unhoppy......

How does a frog feel when he has a broken leg? A: Unhoppy........
Well Dale is "Unhoppy"!  We are lucky we have been able to control his pain with Tylenol, especially after all the problems he had with the narcotics after his two knee replacements in 2010.  We go back to San Antonio to the doctor this week....gonna be a long day on the road!  We are still experimenting with the crutches and the walker for him to get around. Only 86 days days to go!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall Risk!

I thought I would give you an update from the Atchetee House of Rehab!  On Saturday, Oct. 27 Dale took a bad spill from about 10 feet while trimming oak trees in our yard.  After a visit to the emergency room and x-rays it was determined he had a bad fracture of his left heel.  On Monday we contacted the Orthopedic doctor in our town, that said we needed to go to San Antonio to a Orthopedic Specialist that specializes in this type of injury.  So off we went and after a CT it was determined that he would need surgery to repair it.  This past Friday, Nov. 2 Dale had surgery in San Antonio and we returned home yesterday.  The doctor put 6 screws and a plate in the heel to repair it and Dale can not put any weight on it for 3 months.  So we are experimenting with crutches, a walker, and a wheelchair to find the best way for him to get around the house.    the doctor said No Weight....that means the foot should never touch the ground, not easy!
Luckily he did not injure his two knees which were replaced in 2010 and suffered no other injuries in his fall.  So I guess it could have been worse!!!  The three month sentence of No Weight sounds like a long, long, time to Dale and will be hard!!!!  Weight on the foot could cause the screws to pull out and the repair to fail....not good!
We will return to San Antonio this coming week and I'm sure we will keeping the pavement hot between our town and the doctor's office over the next three months.
The whole foot and part of the leg is in an enormous splint and bandage...Dale said it feels like an elephant's foot!  They put a bracelet on him in the hospital that said "FALL RISK" guess I should have put that on him at the house before he crashed.
So for now we are flying, no fishing, no traveling, no dancing, no more tree trimming.........pretty much no nothing for the next three months!!!!  It is gonna be tough, but we will survive!  It may take alcohol or drugs, but we will survive!!!
So keep us in your thoughts and a few prayers couldn't hurt either.  If you want you can drop him an email at sure to give him a hard time!
As Head Nurse, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, Chauffeur, Maid, and Lawn Boy my plate is going to be full, but I figure he is going to owe me lots of dive trips when this adventure is over!!