Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Hoblin Goblin!

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What do you call a ghost with a broken foot? Hoblin Goblin!
Well today marks two weeks down on our journey....only ten more to go!! Dale has gotten quite adept at maneuvering around on his walker or crutches. This is our last week with a splint and next week when we visit the doctor he is getting a cast.....I think he should get a pink one....real men wear pink! I have been busy getting all the travel insurance claims filed for the two trips we had to cancel. Seems like the hours are filled with things to get done....meals to cook, clothes to wash, bills and correspondence to keep up with, but I do find time to do some reading when Dale is resting. Dale, the all time non sports fan has even taken up watching some football games. I pray he continues to heal and that his surgery was a success!

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