Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hopalong Atchetee!

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Hard to believe it has been 3 weeks.....seems like 3 years! At least we aren't scheduled to go back to San Antonio for a month....that's a relief! Dale got a big boot this week which he can remove when he sleeps at night and also got a list of exercises to start getting some movement in the foot and ankle. We've both suffered from a bad case of "Cabin Fever" and have begun to make brief trips

to have lunch in town and to the airport to check on the airplane. I've tackled some new chores around the place to prepare for winter....things my hubby took care of before! Thanksgiving was very quite....we were both exhausted from the trip to SA the day before! 
That's about it from the Atchetee House of Rehab!
Gosh....... time flies when you're having fun!

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