Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Calgon Take Me Away!

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Well......we've  checked another week off the recovery/rehab calendar!  The heel is mending and looking better all the time...a good night's sleep is much more common around here!  With this, also comes Dale trying to do more to help me out around the house.  The definition of "Toe Touch"and putting weight on the foot has been a matter of "HEATED" debate around here many times.  I know he hates sitting around do nothing, but I feel we should do everything possible to ensure a good outcome.  So after a few tears and some much needed alcohol...I have decided he is a big boy and I need to cut him some slack!  Yesterday he even spent some time alone as I was at the hospital for my daughter's foot surgery.
I was questioning my actions and emotions....and mostly blamed my OCD for making me the nurse from Hell in regards to doing everything by the book.  Then something popped into my head while having lunch with Dale in town.  I had quit my HRT on the advice of my doctor just about the time this adventure began!  No wonder I was in a heap.......a hubby on crutches for 3 months and under foot so to speak and NO HORMONES?  Dale and I had a good laugh over it!  He now understands why my head spins around and steam comes out my ears!

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