Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Physical Terrorist

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Dale began physical therapy this week with his favorite "Physical Terrorist" Diane.... at Warm Springs in Victoria.  She had the pleasure of working with him on his two previous knee replacements....and of course she just loved him!!!  After greeting all our old friends and relating the circumstances of his accident that brought us back so soon, they measured Dale's range of motion in the injured foot and then in the good foot.  They also tested his strength in the injured foot and were very happy with the results.  Diane gave him an additional exercise.....writing the alphabet in the air with his injured foot several times a day.  She also suggested getting him in the therapy pool and getting a good workout in the deep end of the heated pool.  Today was his first time in the pool and he thought it was well worth the trip.  So all and all, I guess things are progessing according to the Doctor's plan!  We return to the doctor in mid January and hope he will be able to start walking with the boot on.

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