Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, December 7, 2012

On the Mend!

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Things around here have settled into a routine and recovery continues.  Dale has gotten pretty adept at maneuvering around on crutches......we are even attempting a party this weekend. Three times a day he exercises with a big rubber band to strengthen his home rehab!
We make trips to town to run errands and he usually sits in the car while I do the shopping.  The other day he managed to sneak in the store on crutches while I was shopping and buy me a big bouquet of flowers, hiding them in the car until we got home......such a sweetie!
Last weekend he gave me the day off, and I headed to the coast with a gal pal for a day of sand, sun, and seafood.  I fixed  lunch before I left, so all he had to do was heat it in the microwave.  He promised he would be good and I called to check on him.
It was good to have a break from my nursing duties!

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