Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Rats....still on crutches!

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Another week of recovery draws to an end, and a trip to the doctor in San Antonio to see how things are mending.  We arrived, the foot was x-rayed  and we met with the doctor.  She said all looked good, as she checked the movement and flexibility in the foot.....a result of the exercises Dale had been doing at home all month.  She gave him a new exercise to work on and decided to send him for physical therapy in back to Warm Springs  we will go.  They worked with him after both knee replacements, so they are very familiar with Dale. She wants us to come back in one month and they MIGHT let him start walking on the foot with the boot on......good news and a new goal!  So for now, he his still on the crutches and his walker......but the finish line might be in sight!

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