Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Getting Our Fix!

We met at 7am and off to Port A we went....wanted to get in a full day at the beach...crazy I know!  We stopped in Rockport for a bakery treat and then it was off to Port A.  We bought fresh shrimp off the boat to take home, checked out the beach, and drove to the jetties to watch the fishermen.  Then when the shops opened we shopped...looking for end of summer sale items.  We did manage to get matching hats...looked really cute.  Our favorite restaurant was closed, so we had lunch at Castaways....enjoying some delicious kale and sausage soup before our shrimp.  It was then time to rent a beach cart for some beach time....the water was warm and the waves washed away our stress!  Karen napped and I took a long walk!!!  We cruised around one more time before stopping for a yummy gelato.  To soon we were back on the ferry line and headed back home.  Our beach addiction satisfied!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sacked 'em Up!

Up at 4:15 am and at the dock at 6 am with lighting flashing across the morning sky....but as the sun began to peak above the we went. The wind was blowing, and the air was cool. We started our drift, casting our gold spoons into the water......with the clouds and not much sun it was impossible to see any fish moving. Dale hooked the first fish of the day and it put up a good fight before being netted. It was slow going after that with only one more fish on the we moved and fished another spot. 
Well the action picked up and by 12:30 pm with a picnic lunch break we had our legal limit......6 nice reds! In addition to the 6.....we caught a boat load of 17 inch little fellows......illegal but would be finger licking back in the bay to grow bigger. It was a great day! Home now and boat already cleaned up....Hooray!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Karen!!!!

Dale and I were invited to celebrate my friend, Karen's 65th birthday at Greek 205 bar on Friday.  We arrived to find a lot of old friends.  It was great catching up with folks I hadn't seen in some time. Karen was her usual crazy self and was having a ball  as the center of attention.  It was great celebrating this milestone with her family and friends.
                                                      Happy Birthday Karen!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Red Fish Tailing!

The sun peaked above the horizon  as we made our way to our fishing spot...the water like glass.  Dale spotted a nice red tailing near a duck pond and poled me closer and closer, the first cast failed.....but with the second cast the red hit the gold spoon and immediately started splashing in an effort to get free.  Soon he was in the ice chest.....doesn't get any better.

Our luck was brief, as the next four fish we caught were small, so we had to release them to grow bigger.  As fishing slowed, we crossed the bay, making a stop at the Army Hole and then into the back lakes where Dale caught a nice fish.

Lunch was cold fried chicken, potato salad, fruit and ice tea on the deck of the boat.
We checked out a few other spots, but no luck!  Back home to wash the boat, clean up the gear.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cruising on the big ship.....Oasis of the Seas!

Dale and I flew out of Austin to Fort Lauderdale on Southwest a day ahead of our cruise....all went well!  Up the next morning, we caught the hotel shuttle to the Oasis of the Seas.  Embarkation was flawless, and in no time we were on-board for lunch.  Our cabin, #14327 was ready at 1:30 and just a little later our bags arrived.  We met our awesome cabin attendant, Dean Barnes from Trinidad....what a great guy!  Although we had booked an inside cabin, we discovered a lovely, large, balcony just steps away from our immediately I claimed it!!!  Drinks and hor dourves at the Diamond Lounge were on the agenda before dinner .  We went to the ice show before turning in for the night.

Up early the next morning I watched the ship dock in Nassau, Bahamas from our balcony.  We had planned to stay on board and explore the ship while most were ashore. 
After breakfast we hit the gym and then had a soak in the cantilevered hot tubs. We attended the sail away party on the heli-pad as we left Nassau.  Drinks and then dinner, plus a Broadway show.....Hairspray completed the day.

Today was a sea day and we had booked the aqua show, Oasis of Dreams...Wow!  High diving into a tiny pool on a ship on the ocean.  We also enjoyed soaking in the hot tubs and some quite time on our balcony.  It was also our first formal we put on our best duds!
We docked in St. Thomas on this day....caught a taxi and went to Megan's Beach for the day.  The beach is beautiful and the water is turquoise....I had rented a pool float and enjoyed just floating and relaxing in a beautiful tropical setting.  We had lunch on the beach and caught a taxi back to the ship.

St. Maarten was our next port and we had booked an excursion to Orient Beach....the nude beach.  We grabbed chairs next to the water and rented an umbrella for shade.  Lunch was mahi mahi and rice, with salad.  Dale read and I played in the water until it was time to return to the ship.  No much happening on the nude beach...I did check it out!  The show tonight was two comedians...they were OK! We did enjoy dinner at the Solarium Bistro....where we enjoyed a delicious bison steak.

A sea day today...started with coffee and Mimosas on the balcony.  Breakfast then more time reading and relaxing.  The show tonight was called Come Fly With was not great and they did have technical problems that delayed the show.  It was also our last formal night and we joined Horace and Fran in the Main dining room.

Up early to enjoy breakfast before Dale's birthday All Access Tour of the ship.  We started with a behind the scenes tour of the Aqua Theater, then we toured the galley, bakery, storage facilities, engine room, HR department, crew dining facilities and bars.  The laundry was really amazing.....what a job! The staff and supplies move down below on I 95....a path that runs from one end of the ship to the other.  Then we toured the Heli-Pad and our final stop was the bridge.  Dale got the chance to sit in the Captain's chair.  It was a great tour...lasting about 3 1/2 hours!  After lunch we enjoyed the hot tubs and our balcony.  That night we had dinner at Giovanni's and went to the Comedy Club......very, very funny!
Packed and ready....we had breakfast!  Said our goodbyes to Dean, our cabin attendant.  Off the ship a little after 8 am and to the airport to catch our flight home at 11:30 am.  All went well and soon we landed in Austin with a short drive home.

The cruise was great, the ship is is amazing that with over 6,000 guest we never felt crowded.  We met many people from all over the world...Canada, Australia, Venezuela, Columbia, and England.  We loved our little cabin and our "private" balcony!