Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Getting Our Fix!

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We met at 7am and off to Port A we went....wanted to get in a full day at the beach...crazy I know!  We stopped in Rockport for a bakery treat and then it was off to Port A.  We bought fresh shrimp off the boat to take home, checked out the beach, and drove to the jetties to watch the fishermen.  Then when the shops opened we shopped...looking for end of summer sale items.  We did manage to get matching hats...looked really cute.  Our favorite restaurant was closed, so we had lunch at Castaways....enjoying some delicious kale and sausage soup before our shrimp.  It was then time to rent a beach cart for some beach time....the water was warm and the waves washed away our stress!  Karen napped and I took a long walk!!!  We cruised around one more time before stopping for a yummy gelato.  To soon we were back on the ferry line and headed back home.  Our beach addiction satisfied!!!

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