Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sacked 'em Up!

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Up at 4:15 am and at the dock at 6 am with lighting flashing across the morning sky....but as the sun began to peak above the we went. The wind was blowing, and the air was cool. We started our drift, casting our gold spoons into the water......with the clouds and not much sun it was impossible to see any fish moving. Dale hooked the first fish of the day and it put up a good fight before being netted. It was slow going after that with only one more fish on the we moved and fished another spot. 
Well the action picked up and by 12:30 pm with a picnic lunch break we had our legal limit......6 nice reds! In addition to the 6.....we caught a boat load of 17 inch little fellows......illegal but would be finger licking back in the bay to grow bigger. It was a great day! Home now and boat already cleaned up....Hooray!

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