Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Red Fish Tailing!

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The sun peaked above the horizon  as we made our way to our fishing spot...the water like glass.  Dale spotted a nice red tailing near a duck pond and poled me closer and closer, the first cast failed.....but with the second cast the red hit the gold spoon and immediately started splashing in an effort to get free.  Soon he was in the ice chest.....doesn't get any better.

Our luck was brief, as the next four fish we caught were small, so we had to release them to grow bigger.  As fishing slowed, we crossed the bay, making a stop at the Army Hole and then into the back lakes where Dale caught a nice fish.

Lunch was cold fried chicken, potato salad, fruit and ice tea on the deck of the boat.
We checked out a few other spots, but no luck!  Back home to wash the boat, clean up the gear.

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