Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Green Shorts Quest!

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Tamara and Dennis invited me to come down to Grand Cayman and stay with them at their condo to get in some diving in the quest for my Green Shorts!  Tamara picked me up at the airport and I was soon settled in and unpacked, looking forward to 10 days of diving.  Dinner the first night was at Eagle Rays across the street....very good food with other divers.
We were scheduled to dive on Ocean Hawk and it was good to see the dive masters and staff of Ocean Frontiers.  It was ten days of unusual weather and diving conditions...making it difficult to get in the dive sites that I needed.  I had never done much drift diving in Grand Cayman, but this trip we did several times.  In fact, we had quite an exciting drift dive with a rip, roaring current one day.  Kevin, the dive master said we traveled over a mile underwater and covered seven dive sites.  Not the greatest conditions for underwater photography, but it was like flying underwater.  The week held some really rough boat rides, lots of surface current, and one day we ended our final dive in a squall with the boat pitching heavily up and down....making getting back on-board difficult!!
Chef Dennis prepared some wonderful meals for us....he sure does love to cook and entertain....really spoiled me!  Tamara and I held down the pool after a day of diving....sleeping, reading, and relaxing!
We did attend the Diver's Night Buffet at Eagle Rays with the gang...great food!   A lunch at Kurt's Korner one day for some great local food.
Dennis left a few days before Tamara and I....had to go back to work!  I ended up with a total of 24 dives, getting 6 marked off my Green Shorts Challenge List!   Leaving only 5 dives sites to go!  Great fun, good diving, with good friends!

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