Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Great Folks and Awesome Diving...Eels on Wheels 2014

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Dale dropped me off at the airport in Houston where I joined other members of the Eels on Wheels group for a dive trip to Bonaire.  We roommate, Patsy and I checked into our room, unpacked, and headed to dinner.  Up the next morning we had orientation after breakfast and had the option to do a checkout dive on the house reef.  I was on the Sea Queen with a great group of folks, definitely the best group and best boat!  Our divemasters Max and Luis were both great, and put up with our craziness for the whole week.  This year we had only 5 folks in chairs on the trip....seems most that didn't make it had some type of conflict going on...hope to see them next year.
I logged 16 dives during the week and enjoyed some great diving.  We got to dive the Salt Pier twice, which is an awesome dive site with lots to see.  Several dives were made on Klein Bonaire during the week.  We saw octopus, turtles, seahorses, eels, squid, and lots more!  The water was about 81* most of the week with pretty calm seas, no current, and pretty decent visibility.  We got in about one hour of bottom time on each dive.

We did three dives a it was check in at 7:45 am with the boat leaving at 8:00 am for two dives.  Returning around noon, we enjoyed lunch and relaxed before it was time to check in at 1:45 pm with the boat leaving at 2:00 pm for one afternoon dive.  Then it was pool time before cleaning up for dinner at the resort.
Town was a short walk, Patsy and I did some shopping and stopped to enjoy some delicious gelato.  Our final night we all walked to a wonderful restaurant for some great food and lots of laughs.  Pick up for the airport was at 5:15 am with the flight home at 7:00 am....making for a long day.
We had a great in some AWESOME diving.....invented the famous Ponche Cuba Crema Chupacabra drink, spotted the illusive White Moon Fish, and took a poll to see if the Speedo made Joe's butt look big!  There was never a dull moment!  I laughed so hard I cried....what a fun group!

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