Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Five on Ice!

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Up early, we were off to POC to replenish our fish supply that was getting low! Cloudy skies, a howling wind, and a chill in the air when running across the bay....almost seemed like a bad omen for fishing! With no luck at our first spot, we ran the shoreline in hopes of spotting some fish....nothing! Heading to a new spot, Dale spotted 3 Whooping Cranes along the shoreline, we stopped to watch and I tried to get some photos. They are highly protected by the government, so we stayed far enough away as not to disturb them. Two flew over our heads as they crossed the bay......big birds!!! Finally we managed to land a nice red and had him on ice, but fishing was slow! We fished and fished, with no luck.....stopping for a break to enjoy our picnic lunch. Back at it, Dale and I soon both had really nice fish on, and after a fight, we had them in the ice chest! Yahoo! Drifting back across the bay we landed two more fish and were celebrating our good luck, after such a slow start! We tried to catch one more, but had to settle for 5 nice Reds! The legal limit is 6! I also got to use my Hot Pink Fish Lip Grippers that Dale gave me for my birthday......Wow they work great! What started as a really slow fishing day, turned out great! Fish cleaned, back home, boat washed and fresh red fish filets in the freezer.

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