Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas-New Year-Birthday in Costa Rica!!!

We arrived in San Jose on Dec. 21 and spent the night before picking up our rental car and heading across the country to Dominical. We arrived to find our Large Beach Cottage at Coconut Grove ready and waiting for us. We unpacked, and settled in for our two week stay. We booked a fishing trip with Isidro, but had no luck, had to buy Dorado from the fish market, La Macha. Our days were filled with long beach walks, pool time at the Rancho, and holding down the hammocks with a good book.

Richard and Diane invited us to a big Christmas Party on Christmas Eve, I prepared a dip to take. It was fun, we met some old friends and made some new friends.
Dale and I volunteered to help Daryl put on a Christmas party for the children of Playa Uvita. With our elf hats on we handed out gifts, dished out ice cream, and helped put toys together for the kids. It was very refreshing to see the smiling faces of all the local children. The true meaning of Christmas!!!

Many days we headed to Playa Hermosa.....our favorite beach for some sun, sand, and warm water. The beaches were packed with local families, but we always found a spot. We played in the surf, enjoyed cold coconut water and plantain chips, and some really unique snow cones from a beach vendor. During our last week we borrowed two boogie boards from Coconut Grove and decided to give it a try! Dale got the hang of it quickly, he was soon riding the waves all the way to shore. It took me several days before I was able to do it.

Off to Tinamaste we had booked a ATV tour with Karl....we went up into the mountains riding for about four hours. We stopped at waterfalls, crossed rivers, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. It was a great day and Karl is always fun to talk with. After the ride we enjoyed a delicious lunch at a Soda....great food!
New Year's Eve we joined Richard and Diane for drinks at their house.....then we drove down the highway to Lewis Park to watch Daryl's fireworks display.....unfortunately I crashed and burned after tripping over a wire in the dark. It could have been bad.....but I came out with only a few scratches. Next time I will take a flashlight! New Years Day we went to the beach, enjoyed a pizza at La Fogata in Uvita and then celebrated my birthday with dinner at Por Que No? It was a wonderful dinner, I had some of the best ceviche I think I have ever tasted.
Hiking Hacienda Baru in search of wildlife, my trusty guide, Dale found a sloth high up in the trees. We also saw a group of monkeys crossing our path in the trees. It was a warm steamy day, but we completed the trails.
After our last beach day we drove up the mountain into the jungle to have lunch at Jolly Roger....quite a trip! We had some great hamburgers and an order of wings with a cold beer. That night I prepared dinner and we began packing for our trip back to San Jose. The next morning we left about 10 am....stopping to have lunch at Vista del Mar on the way back to San Jose and the hotel. We turned in our rental car, checked into the hotel and had dinner. Flying out the next day we arrived back in Texas that night. It was a great trip.....the weather was fantastic....and we had a great time.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Turkey Day!

Turkey Day was spent at Cottage on Spotted Fawn in Fredericksburg, Texas! It was a really cute cabin with everything we needed for our stay! Our Thanksgiving Feast included a Glazed ham, Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Cranberry Salad, Green Bean Casserole, and a Pumpkin Cheesecake. We visited old friends, made Trade Days, ate at Alamo Springs Cafe, and visited a winery to listen to the Almost Patsy Cline Band. A relaxing trip!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Checked Off...Floundering!

Marked another one off my Bucket List last night........a guided flounder trip at POC! Running across the bay just after sunset to a distant shore line was beautiful...the only boat in sight for miles! We waited for it to get totally dark and began cruising the shoreline with bright lights illuminating the bottom for our prey. Dale let me gig the first one we spotted after a few lessons on the proper way to gig from our guide, Dustin. We ended up getting our limit and headed back in to the dock with 10 nice flounder! It was a awesome trip...thanks Dale for a great gift!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Edna Fly In!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Green Short Challenge Completed!!!!!

Dale and I flew down to Grand Cayman to meet friends, Dennis and Tamara.....and try to finish the Green Short Challenge and get those darn Green Shorts!
Day 1....Two dives this morning.....spent most of the time testing out the knee, but did get a couple of pictures. The water is warm.....about 84-86 degrees depending on your depth. I got one more of my 55 Green Short Challenge dives today......four more to go! Dinner tonight over at friend's condo!
Day 2.....Two more dives knocked off this morning......leaving me only two to get the Green Shorts! The second dive I swear should have been called Lobster Pot......lobster in every nook and cranny! I'm cooking Italian tonight for our friends! Great weather, great diving! Barracudas were very curious on the second dive!

Day 3.....One to go! Only need a site called Scuba Bowl to complete the Challenge! Long boat ride this morning to get one of the farthest sites....but got er done! Long rough boat ride back to condo! A couple of nurse sharks, lobster, crab, etc.......lots of surge on second dive. Hot dog cookout for lunch over at Dennis and Tamara's condo....pool time later!
Day 4....Weather didn't permit getting the last site I needed....rough ride out to dive sites and rougher ride back home. Hoping I can knock it out tomorrow! Tomorrow two morning dives and then the X dive after lunch!! X Dive an undisclosed location with your crew to navigate point-to-point along the Cayman Trench for a one-of-a-kind experience. This dive gives maximum time on the edge of the wall, giving the greatest chances for seeing the big stuff, including "Mr.X"
Day 5....Two dives this morning...not near as rough as yesterday......Eagle Ray, Sting Ray, Eels, Turtle, etc....Off shortly for the X Dive and maybe, maybe, get those darn Green Shorts!
I did it! All 55 finished on the X Dive.....AWESOME dive.....sharks surrounded us almost as soon as we descended into the depths of the ocean. What a great dive to complete my Green Short Challenge!!!! Cake and Champagne plus the presentation of the Green Shorts and the medal. Will be wearing that to dinner tonight!!! Yipeeee!!!
Day 6....Nothing to exciting today......a nurse shark that swam away before a photo and a turtle that kicked it into high gear when he saw divers. Dinner tonight and then the packing begins.....or should I say the throwing it into the suitcase.....hoping the dive gear is nearly dry!
A great trip, with another goal accomplished!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Up, Up, and Away!

On our way this morning to the Under the Wire Fly In!  Smooth, clear, skies made for a nice flight!  Saw lots of planes, lots of airplane folks, and enjoyed a yummy burger!  With thunderstorms popping up in the afternoon we took off and headed the plane in the hangar just before the rains came.  A good day!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Rocky Mountain High!

Up, up, and away to Denver.....well almost!  We circled Denver airport waiting for a thunderstorm to move, but had to land in Colorado Springs to sit on the tarmac and refuel before heading back to Denver when it opened.  We picked up our rental car....Don't use Budget....and headed to Estes Park running a couple of hours late.  We stopped in Loveland to pick up groceries and spotted Big Horn Sheep on the mountain side on the final leg of our journey. Darn...nowhere to stop and grab a photo!

We arrived at Swiftcurrent Lodge about dark....but I had made arrangements by phone to check in since we were running late.......the cabin was great.....a bedroom, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen set on the banks of the Big Thompson River. A quick supper, showers, and we crashed!
Up the next morning we headed to Rocky Mountain National Park.....driving to Bear Lake and Sprague Lake for some hiking.....we saw a herd of mule deer grazing in a field on the way. Both lakes were pristine and provided a beautiful backdrop to the mountains. Back at the cabin we soaked in the hot tub, relaxed, and fixed supper....then sat near the river as the day came to an end in Colorado.
It was a bit chilly the next day, with the thermometer reading about 40 degrees!  Our plan today was to drive the Trail Ridge Road, it is the name for a stretch of U.S. Highway 34 and is the highest continuous paved road in the United States. Armed with our heavy jackets, a cooler with drinks and snacks, binoculars, and a couple of cameras.....we were off!  Snow capped mountains dotted the landscape, wildflowers filled the fields, and elk, moose, and deer grazed on the lush grass. We saw marmots, pikas, magpies, and lots of other critters. 
At one point we reached an elevation of over 12,000 was very breezy and chilly! Sunday morning I had booked a photography/wildlife tour with Yellow Wood Guiding and we had a 5:15 am picked we were up at 4 am!!!  Jared arrived and we entered the was like we had the whole park to ourselves!  We stopped to take some photos as the sun came up, we looked for animals, and he educated us on the park.  We headed for the tundra in hopes of finding some bull elk........we rounded a curve, and in a grassy area by a small lake we saw 7 bull elk grazing in a field of yellow flowers.....Wow!  Steam coming off the lake provided the perfect backdrop.  The Big Boy of the group had begun to lose his velvet on his draped and hung like Christmas tree garland on his horns.  In an effort to get a shot I stepped on a slope thinking the ground was firm...but it wasn't and my foot slipped, turned, and something popped!  Ouch!  Got the shot, but limped back to the car....not saying a word to Jared or Dale!  I wanted to continue the tour. We spent about 4 hours with Jared and he gave me lots of tips on using my was a great tour....even if I did something to my knee!  Back at the cabin, we had lunch and tried to nap....but my leg was hurting and I could hardly put weight on it.  I told Dale I need to go to the emergency off we went for x-rays!  Nothing broke, but they thought maybe I did something to my IT band!  Crutches, an ice bag, and pain killers were the order for the rest of the day and part of the next week!
The next day we left for Glenwood Springs and road construction was the name of the game....a detour that took us off the map.......with our GPS unable to find our location made things kinda tense!
But we made it.....and checked in to the Red Barn Suite at Four Mile B&B outside of Glenwood Springs.  The suite was adorable....very eclectic and furnished in a shabby chic design. We had a cute little kitchen, a gas wood stove, and an adorable claw foot bathtub.  All our breakfast were delicious, with plenty to eat, and other guest to meet and enjoy conversation with!  The owners were perfect host and gave us lots of hints on where to go and what to do.  Glenwood Springs Hot Springs was on our agenda....and a long day of soaking and relaxing at the hot springs was perfect.  A road trip to Aspen and the Maroon Bells, the most photographed mountains in North America filled another day....we also made stops in Carbondale and Redstone.  Our last day we drove up to the Ruedi reservoir high up in the mountains outside of Basalt driving along the Frying Pan River....a gold medal trout fishing river.  We saw and talked with fly fisherman and watched them catch and release brown and rainbow trout.  We joined other guest later in the day along the river banks to talk and relax.....when Dale spotted a black bear eating berries in the bushes...WOW!  I got a few photos, but it was late and daylight was fading...but it was neat just to watch the bear!
Up and packed the final day, we enjoyed another great breakfast, then headed back to Denver leaving early in case we ran into road construction again.  This time we had no problems, returned our rental car, checked in at the airport and waited for our flight home!
Our trip was wonderful, we enjoyed the beauty of Colorado, the cool mountain air, and all the folks we met along the way.  Thanks Colorado for a Rocky Mountain High!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Floating with Friends!

Keeping cool on the Comal yesterday with friends, Karen and Jimmy! We arrived early and got in a relaxing float before the crowds arrived. Lunch was on the bank of the river under the shade of a big tree.....fried chicken, potato salad, pickles, and fresh fruit....sure did taste good! Later we did another long float! Then we cleaned up and headed to Clear Springs Cafe for burgers and onion rings. Good friends, good food, and two good floats with our guys! A great way to spend a smoking hot day in Texas!!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

400th dive with Lady Go Divers!!!!!

Off to Bonaire  July 19-26 with the Lady Go Divers for our annual dive trip.  I met up with some of the gals at the Houston airport and we flew down together.  Arriving we checked in, had dinner, and crashed.  After breakfast, a dive orientation, check out dive, it was time for our first dive.  We were assigned to the Sea Queen with Luis and Rudd for the week.
On the third dive on Monday I completed my 400th dive and the gals surprised me a celebration and champagne on the boat, plus a bag of ice on my head.  Earlier we had a photo taken to mark this special occasion......and no I didn't dive naked!  It was great celebrating this special event with a great group of gals.

The diving on Bonaire is so easy, with most dives lasting at least one hour.  We had the opportunity to dive the Hilma Hooker wreck and the Salt Pier during the week.  We saw lots of seahorses, frog fish, turtles, and eels.  The water was about 80* for most of the week.  I had a chance to take lots of photos and managed to get some good shots.  We ate out a couple of times and relaxed around the pool a few nights with some snacks and wine.  The pool was always a gathering place for our group.
My roommate, DJ and I got along fine, and even endured our room problems with a laugh.   We had rented a studio and enjoyed being near the dive operation.
On our last day we did two morning dives, grabbed a quick lunch, then did a kayaking trip in the mangroves.  The mangroves serve as a hatchery for the fish and our guide even had us snorkel in the mangroves.  Back at the resort, we showered and then it was off to our farewell dinner with Luis and Rudd.....the night ended with a yummy cup of gelato.
Up very, very early and off to the airport....we said our goodbyes!  The trip was great fun, great diving, and all with an amazing group of women!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Floating the Fourth on the Comal!

Karen and I decided to begin our Fourth of July Celebration a little early, and floated the Comal a day early to beat the throngs of folks expected!!! In honor of the birthday of our nation we decorated our hats, and color coordinated our outfits...proudly showing off the red, white, and blue! The sun was hot...but the cool water of the Comal was refreshing! We got lots of compliments on our outfits...but maybe a few folks just thought we were CRAZY OLD LADIES! We told everyone it was the 4th .....blaming our day early celebration on having a Senior Moment! Karen proudly wore her "Green Frog Feet"....she loves those darn things! We had a blast and enjoy a hamburger and yummy onion rings at Clear Springs Cafe! Long day, but safely back home with lots of good memories!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Great Folks and Awesome Diving...Eels on Wheels 2014

Dale dropped me off at the airport in Houston where I joined other members of the Eels on Wheels group for a dive trip to Bonaire.  We roommate, Patsy and I checked into our room, unpacked, and headed to dinner.  Up the next morning we had orientation after breakfast and had the option to do a checkout dive on the house reef.  I was on the Sea Queen with a great group of folks, definitely the best group and best boat!  Our divemasters Max and Luis were both great, and put up with our craziness for the whole week.  This year we had only 5 folks in chairs on the trip....seems most that didn't make it had some type of conflict going on...hope to see them next year.
I logged 16 dives during the week and enjoyed some great diving.  We got to dive the Salt Pier twice, which is an awesome dive site with lots to see.  Several dives were made on Klein Bonaire during the week.  We saw octopus, turtles, seahorses, eels, squid, and lots more!  The water was about 81* most of the week with pretty calm seas, no current, and pretty decent visibility.  We got in about one hour of bottom time on each dive.

We did three dives a it was check in at 7:45 am with the boat leaving at 8:00 am for two dives.  Returning around noon, we enjoyed lunch and relaxed before it was time to check in at 1:45 pm with the boat leaving at 2:00 pm for one afternoon dive.  Then it was pool time before cleaning up for dinner at the resort.
Town was a short walk, Patsy and I did some shopping and stopped to enjoy some delicious gelato.  Our final night we all walked to a wonderful restaurant for some great food and lots of laughs.  Pick up for the airport was at 5:15 am with the flight home at 7:00 am....making for a long day.
We had a great in some AWESOME diving.....invented the famous Ponche Cuba Crema Chupacabra drink, spotted the illusive White Moon Fish, and took a poll to see if the Speedo made Joe's butt look big!  There was never a dull moment!  I laughed so hard I cried....what a fun group!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Limited Out!

Limited out! Put the boat in the water about 7:30 am and had SIX nice reds in the ice chest by 12:38 that is a great day of fishing! We even had time for our picnic lunch out on the water! Back at the dock, we had a visitor at the fish cleaning stand looking for some fresh sushi! Home now, boat washed, and fish in the ice box!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Five on Ice!

Up early, we were off to POC to replenish our fish supply that was getting low! Cloudy skies, a howling wind, and a chill in the air when running across the bay....almost seemed like a bad omen for fishing! With no luck at our first spot, we ran the shoreline in hopes of spotting some fish....nothing! Heading to a new spot, Dale spotted 3 Whooping Cranes along the shoreline, we stopped to watch and I tried to get some photos. They are highly protected by the government, so we stayed far enough away as not to disturb them. Two flew over our heads as they crossed the bay......big birds!!! Finally we managed to land a nice red and had him on ice, but fishing was slow! We fished and fished, with no luck.....stopping for a break to enjoy our picnic lunch. Back at it, Dale and I soon both had really nice fish on, and after a fight, we had them in the ice chest! Yahoo! Drifting back across the bay we landed two more fish and were celebrating our good luck, after such a slow start! We tried to catch one more, but had to settle for 5 nice Reds! The legal limit is 6! I also got to use my Hot Pink Fish Lip Grippers that Dale gave me for my birthday......Wow they work great! What started as a really slow fishing day, turned out great! Fish cleaned, back home, boat washed and fresh red fish filets in the freezer.

Green Shorts Quest!

Tamara and Dennis invited me to come down to Grand Cayman and stay with them at their condo to get in some diving in the quest for my Green Shorts!  Tamara picked me up at the airport and I was soon settled in and unpacked, looking forward to 10 days of diving.  Dinner the first night was at Eagle Rays across the street....very good food with other divers.
We were scheduled to dive on Ocean Hawk and it was good to see the dive masters and staff of Ocean Frontiers.  It was ten days of unusual weather and diving conditions...making it difficult to get in the dive sites that I needed.  I had never done much drift diving in Grand Cayman, but this trip we did several times.  In fact, we had quite an exciting drift dive with a rip, roaring current one day.  Kevin, the dive master said we traveled over a mile underwater and covered seven dive sites.  Not the greatest conditions for underwater photography, but it was like flying underwater.  The week held some really rough boat rides, lots of surface current, and one day we ended our final dive in a squall with the boat pitching heavily up and down....making getting back on-board difficult!!
Chef Dennis prepared some wonderful meals for us....he sure does love to cook and entertain....really spoiled me!  Tamara and I held down the pool after a day of diving....sleeping, reading, and relaxing!
We did attend the Diver's Night Buffet at Eagle Rays with the gang...great food!   A lunch at Kurt's Korner one day for some great local food.
Dennis left a few days before Tamara and I....had to go back to work!  I ended up with a total of 24 dives, getting 6 marked off my Green Shorts Challenge List!   Leaving only 5 dives sites to go!  Great fun, good diving, with good friends!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sand Fest Sista Fun 2014!

Loaded up and headed down to Port A for another week full of fun at the Texas Sandfest.  Jimmy, Karen's husband pulled our buggy down for us to tool around the beach much easier to get around in our little buggy!  A pirate theme decorated our golf cart....including a treasure chest and parrot on the front.  We unpacked and settled in our little condo.  The next morning we made a run to get fresh shrimp off the boat at the dock.....Shrimp Fest was the plan for our menu!

We filled out days with long walks on the beach, hikes on nature trails, a little shopping and a lots of time at SandFest.  A short drive over to Rockport one morning included some retail therapy, lunch a MoonDogs and a very funny photo on crazy bar stools.
We watched as the Master Sculptors took large piles of sand and turned them into works of art before our eyes......a talented group.
On Monday a late Texas cold front blew in....burrrr, and we decided to end our trip a day early!  Dale drove down to pick up the cart and we headed back home!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Warrenton/Round Top with the Gurlz!

On the road to Round Top/Warrenton Antique Fair with Karen, Virginia, and Kathy. Wind blowing like crazy...gust to at least 35-40 mph! Easter decorations, antiques, jewelry, food, crafts, clothes..............and miles and miles of junk! We shopped in Round Top at the craft fair on the square first, then had a yummy lunch at Bistro 108 in Round Top,
followed by more shopping in Warrenton. On the way home we stopped in LaGrange at Las Fuentes for a Margarita and some delicious guacamole and chips.....a great way to end a fun day!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Texas Tenors in San Anontio!

I took Mom to San Antonio for a concert with the San Antonio Symphony and the Texas Tenors..... a belated birthday gift.  We stopped on the way up and had BBQ lunch at Texas was yummy!  After we checked into  our room at the Omni La Mansion del Rio we walked down to the river was a beautiful day and lots of folks were enjoying the Texas sunshine.  Dressed for the evening we drove to the Laurie Auditorium at Trinity University for the concert.  A great performance...they sang everything from Phantom of the Opera, Righteous Brothers hits, Rascal Flatts songs, and brought the house down with God Bless the USA! After the concert we walked down the river walk to a restaurant for a bite to eat before bed.  After a lovely breakfast the next morning we headed back home....driving along the country roads enjoying the wildflowers in bloom.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ultima Semana en Costa Rica!

Tuesday - Our final week began with a trip to Playa Hermosa for some beach time and ended with a toast with our homemade wine at sunset on the beach.  We spent most of the day at the pool or holding down the hammocks!  We also enjoyed visiting with the other guest.

Wednesday - Went down to Dominicalito to see the Shrimp boats unload their lots of flounder!  Didn't stick around for the shrimp!  Our mission today was to find and explore Playa Matapalo....another stretch of beach.  With a few basic directions.....a few twist and turns we found it and explored.....I found lots of sand dollars on the beach and some shells. Just about the time we decided to leave the AC went out in car.  Luckily Solid Car Rental has an office in we headed there!  While waiting for them to look at the car we had lunch in town at Chapy's..yum!  They gave us a small car and said our car would be ready the next day.

Thursday - We stayed at the beach house most of the day, went to get our car and were surprised to find they upgraded us to a really nice 4x4, we drove over to Uvita for few items, and relaxed at the pool!

Friday - Today was our last time to visit Playa Hermosa....still our favorite! A stop at Rio Lindo Friday night proved to be a bust, since they played only Rock music!

Saturday - We booked an ATV tour with Diamante Tours and met the guide in Tinamaste.  He briefed us on safety and we went into the mountains.  We saw the beautiful Diamante Falls, we hiked to the base of a smaller waterfall, saw beautiful vistas, drove by a organic coffee farm where the plants were in full bloom.  I took a dip in a small pool at the base of a small waterfall while Dale and Karl, the guide talked.  We even made it to the para-glider field just in time to see someone take off!  On the highway portion of our ride we even got stopped by the Policia at a traffic roadblock....after some discussion we were waved on. We ended the ride with a lunch stop for a bite to eat and then back to the starting point....a long day, but lots of fun!

Sunday - Playa Lindo was the plan for today.....Karl the ATV guide had recommended it!  It was another beautiful beach with manicured grounds.  Very beautiful and well worth the trip!  Next we drove down to Sierpe to explore.  Africian palm oil trees lined the road and villages where the workers live were scattered along the drive.  We got a snack and drink at a restaurant on the river and saw the beautiful macaws in the trees in the town square.

Monday - Hiking Hacienda Barú National Wildlife Refuge was the plan for today.  Hacienda Barú’s 330 hectares (815 acres) have a fantastic variety of habitats, from wetlands and secondary rainforests in the lowlands to primary rainforest on the highland coastal ridge. Seven kilometers of walking trails and three kilometers of pristine beach are here to be explored as well as our orchid garden and butterfly garden.We picked a trail and off we went...first we saw a peccary on the trail and finally Dale spotted a sloth high up in the tree.  By the end of the hike we had seen two other sloths, both had a baby with them, lots of lizards, and a group of white faced monkeys. I took lots of pictures and we talked with different folks along the trail from all over the world.  Packing began when we got back to the house.

Tuesday - Up and packed we said our goodbyes and took off to San Jose. We checked out Jaco on the way back and enjoyed lunch at Jaco Taco!  The drive was easy and we made it back with no problems.  Checked in to our hotel, we dropped the rental car off and grabbed something to eat at a Denny's.  Our time in Costa Rica was almost over!

Wednesday - Breakfast at the hotel and then the shuttle to the airport!  Checked in and security completed we waited for our flight back to Houston.  We had spent a month in Costa Rica and now it was time to go home....back to the real world!  We had lived the good life.....Pura Vida!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tercera Semana en Costa Rica!

Tuesday - Hard to believe today started our 3rd week of living in Costa Rica. We were off to Quepos for the El Santuario Canopy Adventure Tour. In total, the canopy tour has over 3.6 kilometers of total zip line length on 11 lines, 14 tree platforms, 3 nature walks, 6 hanging bridges, a rappel secured by a top and bottom belay. With the longest zip-line reaching almost 4,300 ft! Flying through the jungle 300 feet above the canopy you can enjoy spectacular ocean views. Hanging bridges and air stairs get you high into some of the most beautiful trees in the World.  Our guides were fun and entertaining....they also provided snacks along the tour.  Lunch was served after we completed the tour....lots of fun and a great workout!

Wednesday - We got up, had breakfast, and finished packing everything except the stuff in the fridge.  We called Coconut Grove to see when we could get in our beach house....Diane said about noon.  So we waited!  The move went smoothly and soon we were unpacked, checked out the beach, napped in the hammocks, and took a dip in the pool.  A quick trip to the store in Dominical for a few items, then back home in time for an awesome sunset.  Taco salad, guacamole and chips was on the menu tonight. Tomorrow we are off to San Isidro de General for a fresh supply of fruit and veggies!

Thursday - A trip to San Isidro de General for fruits and veggies...lunch overlooking the valley and a yummy pizza.  A nap under the palapa and a swim in the pool before sunset and supper.  Pan seared  Spanish Mackerel,  Fresh sauteed green beans, and a garden was delicious!

Friday - Off again to our favorite beach,Playa Hermosa.  The water was warm and we found a spot to spread our stuff out.  I walked the beach, we watched the surfer, and enjoyed a dip in the ocean. Dinner tonight was at PorQue.....a beautiful sunset and wonderful food at this quaint little restaurant. After dinner we went to Roca Verde for some music and a chance to get in a dance or two.

Saturday -Up early and off to the Uvita market...I was on a mission to get my sweet homemade blackberry wine.  Next we drove up the mountain to the Uvita waterfalls,  paid our dollar to park and hiked to the falls.  Some young folks were already there and we watched them climb and dive from the falls.  I took a dip in the spring fed pool and Dale took pictures.  A stop at the grocery, lunch at our place, then pool and hammock time before another amazing sunset!

Sunday- It was road trip time, map in hand and GPS in the car off we headed South to Palmar Norte, before turning on the Pan American highway and on to Buenos Aires.  At first we drove beside a rather large river, then we turned and saw miles and miles of pineapples and sugar cane. From Buenos Aires it was on to San Isidro de General and back to Dominical...with a stop for lunch.

Monday -  The morning began with a long, leisurely, beach walk, breakfast on the porch, lots of pool time.........basically a lazy day!  The day ended with a breathtaking sunset!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Segunda Semana en Costa Rica!

Tuesday- Up before the sun came up to start our second week in Costa Rica, we grabbed breakfast and headed out to catch Isidoro for a early morning fishing trip.  We parked near the beach, and soon we saw his boat coming into shore to get us.  Isidoro, was a local young man that had been fishing these waters all of his life....his boat was spotless and he had nice equipment.  He rigged the lines and put them out into the blue-green waters of the Pacific we went trolling along with four lines out.  Soon Dale and I both had a fish on......the fish ran with the lure and the battle was on, two nice size Spanish Mackerel were on board.  Isidoro gutted and cleaned them with such precision and speed, making sure to keep his boat clean at a all times.  The lines back out, Dale soon hooked another.  Trolling along the coast of Costa Rica, Isidoro pointed out the different land marks and beaches.  Next it was my time to reeling in the fourth fish of the day and soon I landed the final Mackerel.  At 9:30 am we were back on shore, with a big bag of filets and headed back up to the villa......a nice fishing trip!  I decided to fix a couple of the filets for lunch and they were delicious.  Thanks Isidoro for a great fishing trip!

Wednesday - Got to spend another wonderful day in Costa Rica....Pura Vida.  Ate a leisurely breakfast and headed to the beach at Playa Hermosa.  Found a shady spot and spread our stuff out to relax and enjoy the beautiful 4 mile beach.  The water was warm and the surf wasn't very we went for a dip in the Pacific.  Lunch was back at the villa followed by a dip in the pool.

Thursday - We headed out to San Isidro de General which is about 33K from Dominical up in the mountains for a huge farmer's market held every week.  With two sets of directions and our GPS off we went up the narrow, curvy, one lane bridge mountain road with lots of truck traffic.  We found the market and all I can say is WOW!  I have never seen so much stuff!  We bought a watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, plums, avocados, mangoes, pineapple, lettuce, beans, bananas, tomatoes, and a big pineapple. They had fruits and veggies that I wasn't sure what they were!  After the market we found two grocery stores for some items we needed.  The trip back was longer because we got behind some big trucks.....but we made it safe and sound! We stopped for a local lunch (Casados) at a little restaurant with a fabulous view..the food was very good and the coconut flan we split was yummo!  Dale was beat when we got back....the drive, most at about 35 mph was a killer!

Friday - Back to Playa Hermosa this morning for another beach day....the surf was much rougher today and we didn't venture to far out into the water.  I walked the beach again and Dale worked on his Sudoku puzzle.  Fresh cold coconut water sold by a local Tico woman was a treat!  We came back to the villa and I fried some of the fish we had caught...had to use polenta as I couldn't find cornmeal anywhere! Turned out great! A dip in the pool and nap followed!  Later that evening we drove down to Boca Verde a bar/restaurant for a little music and Texas Two Step.  They had a woman fiddler playing and she was very good....she had even played with the Jimmy Buffet band at one time.

Saturday - Hike at low tide out to the island in front of our villa! See that little island in the picture.....well when the tide is low you can hike out to it....or so we were told! After watching the tide charts we set off this morning, me with my trusty new walking stick, my anniversary present from Dale! We had to walk in water, with some small waves, the rocks were slippery most of the way, and their wasn't a flat spot anywhere! We made it...checked it out, interesting view looking back on the coastline and then it was time to head back to shore before the tide came back in and we would have to swim! My brainy ideas aren't always so great!!!

Sunday -  A lazy start....sitting on the porch drinking coffee enjoying the view followed by a wonderful fruit plate and juice for breakfast.  We relaxed, checked the internet, and Dale squeezed in a nap before lunch.  I fixed a nice big salad, pan seared fresh fish filet with browned garlic butter and black beans...Dale also had a ear of corn.  After lunch we sat on the porch and took it easy all afternoon.  Two para gliders came by and then landed on the beach out in front. About 5 we walked over to Dave and Debra's place, enjoyed wine and snacks as we watched a beautiful Costa Rican sunset.  Then we all went to Rio Lindo to listen to some local guys play......they were pretty darn good and a guy visiting from Chicago got up and sang with them....he was really good!  Back home again....another day in the books in Costa Rica!

Monday - We enjoyed a plate of delicious fruit with our coffee and juice before heading to Playa Hermosa for some beach time.  The water was still warm, and lots of folks were at the beach today.  Dale and I went out into the ocean and looking back at the expansive beach....made a major decision..... Playa Hermosa is the most beautiful beach we have ever been to!  We stayed until a little after noon, then drove into Uvita for a few items we needed at the grocery.  Dale was hungry for some fried we picked some up and took it back to the villa for lunch.  We spent the rest of the afternoon washing some clothes and beginning to pack for our move on Wednesday.  Our two weeks at Canto del Mar #30 is almost up, but looking forward to the next two weeks at Coconut Grove.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Primera Semana en Costa Rica!

Tuesday - Off to San Jose, Costa Rica for a month long stay...we landed and were picked up promptly by the hotel shuttle driver.  Checked in, we contacted the rental car company to make sure all was in order for us to pick up our car in the morning and had an early supper at Rosti Pollo before turning in for the night.

Wednesday -We were up and at the car rental agency at 8 am...only to find that they had a real junker for us with no gas....Dale told him what he thought of the vehicle (#@*^)  and that we would not be taking it.  Sooooo, they soon had another car for us with a full tank of gas!  Our first stop was at a WalMart for groceries....we were shocked to find a gate guard, the parking lot empty and the store immaculate with no was really strange! With our directions in hand and a Costa Rica map loaded on our GPS off we went across the country to the Pacific coast, taking the Autopista for part of it which is a toll road.  All went great, no problems and after a lunch stop we drove into Dominical and located our rental property.  We had one giant problem, the gate guard couldn't find the key to our villa #30.  We drove up the mountain to see if had been left unlocked, but no such luck!  Back down the mountain we went and after several phone calls, lots of paper shuffling, suddenly the keys appeared....thank goodness! We unloaded the car, unpacked, grabbed a sandwich, showered and CRASHED!

Thursday - We were lucky to discover a sloth hanging out in the trees on the road above our house, such unusual creatures. Toucans also had a nest across the road and we watched them come and go, only stopping long enough to feed their offspring.  Off to the local fish market, were we purchased about 2 Kilos of Mahi Mahi for 12,000 colones and enjoyed some of it that evening......yummo!

Friday - A quick trip down the road to Uvita for some groceries items and a stop to get Dale some fried chicken. Later we went over to Dave and Deb's house to fill water bags for the race, think we did at least a 1,000 of them.  We met some other folks visiting CR from all over. The day ended with a dip in our plunge pool and dinner on the patio.

Saturday- Off to Uvita early for the farmer's market where I purchased....strawberries, cauliflower, lettuce, avocados, and brussel sprouts from the vendors. Later a hike up to the Posi Azul waterfalls near our place...some tricky steep stairs lead down to a beautiful spot and a small falls with a deep pool.  Dale decided to take photos while I went for a swim in the chilly spring fed pool water. Later several locals joined us, we enjoyed watching the kids swing on the ropes and do flips into the water.

Sunday- We were up at 5 am to help with a 2K/5K/10K race on the beach.  Dale helped put up the start and finish line banner, cut up fruit and hand out water to the runners.  I took photos and helped cut up fruit.....mostly watermelon.  It was great to see the kids, and all runners received a medal.
After the race we went to La Fogata for a pizza, then a stop at the store, and finally up to see Donna and Daryl at SFTS where we stayed two years ago.  Back at our place I was sitting on the patio, when I heard something moving in the trees....two Howler monkeys were busy eating and completely ignored us.

Monday - Made a trip to Dominical to the bank ATM to get colones, no luck the machine was out of money....come back later!  Then we stopped at Playa Hermosa, a breathtaking beach that seems to be endless.  Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica truly lives up to its name. Playa Hermosa Costa Rica is an incredibly scenic tropical beach, bordered by a spectacular forested cliff on the north, and Marino Ballena National Park to the south. Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica is also backed by a palm-lined beach and rainforest covered mountains. And this means you get 360° of beauty. Playa Hermosa Costa Rica is about half the size of the beach at Playa Dominical Costa Rica, with crystal clear water and very good wave form. ("Playa Hermosa" means beautiful beach in Spanish).Lunch today was spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread on the patio.  Another trip to Dominical and this time success.....colones!  We grabbed a chocolate ice cream, stopped a 7 Eleven like store in Dominical that was on steroids, and made it back to our place. Naps, a dip in the pool, followed by a hike up the jungle trail were we spotted two Howler monkeys playing up in the trees.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Color Me Crazy 5K!

Karen and I entered the Color Me Courageous 5K to benefit the VEHS Soccer Teams and the Challenged Athletes this morning.  It was a very nippy, crisp morning..... 29* and we kept warm thanks to several layers of clothing. My daughter, Lanell who helped organize the event joined our crazy group! We wore hot pink grass skirts, coconut bras, and leis......Karen came up with the perfect team name.....the Coco Nuts! The race was held on a 5K (3.1069 miles) course in Riverside Park, where we were bombarded with powdered paint along the race course....thanks to the high school soccer players. One time I think I got the whole box dumped on my head! By the end of the race our clothes, hats, and faces were splashed in a rainbow of colors. We ended the morning with a cup of hot chocolate and the satisfaction that we had completed the course!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Beach Ladies!

Walking down the beach in Port A today, I came upon these charming two ladies walking the beach, collecting seashells in their colorful Moo-Moo's with matching plastic sandals. They were having a ball and treasured each new find. I grabbed some pictures and then walked on down the beach to the jetties. Coming back I saw them, sitting in beach chairs in front of a nice Burnt Orange Mitsubishi Eclipse convertible. I couldn't resist stopping to talk with them and discovered they had escaped the frigid temps of Minneapolis...they were loving every minute of our Texas weather showed me they had their swimsuits on ready to take a dip in the Gulf. They were charming, full of life, and enjoying the beach. I told them I loved their car and it was perfect for cruising the beach on a beautiful day!
I thought to myself as I walked away....this will be Karen and I in 20 years.....I hope!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Beach Fix in Wintertime!

Karen and I headed to the beach today....enough of the cold, gray, dreary skies...we needed a beach fix! We shopped in Rockport, had a seafood lunch at J.D.'s Seafood, shopped in Port A, walked the beach as the waves pounded the sand, and ended the day with a yummy Gelato! We stopped a (strange) stranger on the beach and asked if he would take some pictures...the bike belonged to him! He kept giving us directions on how to pose. Some of the photos were so funny, we laughed until it hurt!!! Some turned out pretty good!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy Holidays in Aruba 2013

An early morning drive to Houston for our flight to Miami, then on to Aruba was easy and we arrived in plenty of time for our 6 am flight.  We landed and picked up our rental car and headed out to Malmok to Sunshine Beach Studios.  Our Ocean View Studio #2 was ready and a sign welcomed us on the door.  Dinner that night was at Smokey Joes for some finger licking ribs.  We turned in early, tired after a day of travel.  We did meet a big group of Texans next door that were leaving the next morning and they gave us a bunch of groceries that they had leftover...nice!
The next morning we enjoyed coffee on the front porch before going to the new grocery store for supplies.  The rest of the day we enjoyed the pool and hot tub, talked with other guest, and caught up with the owners of the resort,  J P and Eve.

Getting up around 7 am every morning  and I took a long walk down the road in front along the was always so calm and peaceful.  A great way to start the day.  Lunch was usually our main meal, with a sandwich or salad for supper.  We always ended the day across the road at the beach for the magnificent sunset display with a glass of wine...a perfect ending to a perfect day!
We spent time exploring the island and discovering new things since our last visit two years ago.  It was fun to meet other guest from all over the world and share stories under the big palapa.  John and Lori from North Carolina invited us to join them in their 4x4 Jeep for a day of exploring the island..Alta Vista Chapel, the Gold Smelter Ruins, The Natural Pool, The Casibari Rocks, Mango Halto, lunch at Zeerover, Baby Beach, etc.  It was a long day, but we had a blast showing them the island.  We ended that day with a snorkel at Mango Halto.

The sail and snorkel on The Tranquilo was another highlight of our trip.  We had done this before and looked forward to another great day on the water.  We sailed from a Oranjestad marina across the turquoise water to Spanish Lagoon and Mango Halto for some snorkeling, and later did a drift snorkel trip outside the reef.  Hot pea soup and sandwiches sure did taste good after we finished snorkeling.....Anthony's Mom's recipe.  A leisurely sail back to the marina was relaxing and beautiful....a great excursion.

Dale surprised me with an exciting excursion for my birthday, which was in a few days....SeaBob electric underwater propulsion device . was so much fun racing across the water and then diving under the water and flying along with the fish.  We had a blast!  We could even imitate the movement of a dolphin in the water. I loved it, and so did Dale!

We couldn't make a trip to Aruba without a day at Mango Halto, so we drove over before lunch and enjoyed a meal at La Granja, a local place.  Later finding a shady spot in the mangroves we set up our chairs and relaxed.  Snorkeling and swimming in the beautiful water filled our day.

On one of our trips to Ling and Sons grocery we had to get some Olie Bollens- a Dutch pastry to ensure good luck for 2014...they were hot and yummy!  Appleflaps were also nice with coffee in the morning.  The cheeses and fresh baked breads in the grocery store were all tempting and delicious.
Christmas Eve we had dinner reservations at Madame Jeanettes, one of our favorites.  Dale had the grouper and I enjoyed the Mahi Mahi....both excellent. A lovely dinner with the man I love!
Our final day was spent down the road at Boca Catalina, under the shade of a tree with our chairs and cooler.  We got their early and I enjoyed a wonderful long snorkel before the crowds from the snorkel boats showed up.  The water was clear and I saw lots of fish.....a nice Peacock flounder laying on a rock.  We spent the afternoon packing and enjoying the last hours of our Aruba vacation.  A beautiful sunset ended the day!
Up early we turned in our car, caught our flight, and headed back to Texas!